About Mrs. Jeanne Battle

Mrs. Jeanne Battle
My mother, Mrs. Battle, taught the 3rd. Standard at MEHS from 1951 to 1961. In the early years of her tenure, she also helped with the PT (Physical Training) classes.In September of 1961, she took her five kids and migrated to the United States where we settled in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. There she taught for a year in a Catholic School in the San Fernando Valley, but due to low teaching salaries and only ten months of employment each year, she hired on at Pacific Telephone as an operator in 1962. She held that position for twenty years, till she retired in 1982.

In 1987, she came to live with Wendy & I in Simi Valley. At the end of 1995 she was diagnosed as having arteriosclerosis and told she needed a triple bypass operation to correct the condition. During the operation she suffered a massive stroke, went into a coma from which she never recovered and died on January 3, 1996.

Sheldon Battle
May 14, 1999

2 replies on “About Mrs. Jeanne Battle”

Mrs. Battle was my CLASSROOM TEACHER for STD III at The MEHS. She was also my English Teacher. I passed The National High School Examination with a distinction in Optional/Advance English. From 2001 to 2004, I studied at Blackstone School Of Law, PA. USA. GPA = 96 = A

I want to say, “THANKS!!!”, for supporting me as ‘Head Of The Class’ from STD I to STD X MEHS, Yangon, Myanmar.

“I will always remember Mrs. Battle”.

“I also remember my classmate: Rosemary Rajan, who died of leukemia in STD III MEHS. Her brother, Ronald Rajan, is also my classmate.”

With my fondest memories of Mrs. Battle and my BEST wishes to her Family.

Lois Jane ‘Terex’ Lee (a)
Myint Myint Yee (a)
Lee Wren Ahar Ngwee Chin
February 22, 2004

Mrs. Battle was my class teacher in Third Standard. She was a wonderful and kind person. I will never forget the time when I was ill and could not attend school and appear for my Final exams in March. This was crucial for promotion to the next class. But thanks to Mrs. Battle – she wrote me a note and said not to worry – stay home and take care of your health. She will let me go to the next class as my year round report card was very good. That meant a whole lot to me at that time. Thank you.

Malika Jaitha Shah
January 26, 2007

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