
Patrick Phu (Hla Myint Phu)

Patrick Phu, husband of Stella Tun Shein (Si Si Shein) passed away on July 28, 2022.
Teacher Mrs Quinn

My mum, Mary Agnes Elaine finally passed away of a broken heart, her words, not mine. She lived for almost 97 years. God bless her and May she rest in peace.
-Frank Patrick Quinn.U.K. (May 2, 2022)
Teacher attended a few MEHSA International Reunions




U Khin Maung Yi B.Ed.@Jimmy Ba Kyin (Class of ’65)

Rest In Peace
U Khin Maung Yi B.Ed.@Jimmy Ba Kyin
Methodist English High School (Class of ’65)

Jimmy and I….

Jimmy Ba Kyin and Arthur KyiWe matriculated together and were the best of friends, even when at times we do not see eye to eye over affairs of state.
Jimmy chose to be a School Teacher and went off to the Institute of Education to get his B.Ed degree. His first Government appointment was as an S.A.T at Henzada State High School where he married a local beauty and settled down, became Headmaster and rose to the high rank of the Ayeyarwadi Division Education Officer (equivalent to the post of Director in the Ministry of Education.)
After mandatory retirement, he went in for elections, won a seat from Kyangin constituency and became a Parliamentarian in the first Democratic Pyithu Hluttaw where he was chosen to chair the Bills Commission.
His command of English and widely read General knowledge was much appreciated in Parliament and so he was included in many delegations sent abroad concerning affairs of State. When his five year term in Parliament was over, he still remained active both in politics as well as in his chosen profession as an educator. He was much loved and admired by his students as well as politicians he had befriended in the Pyithu Hluttaw.
Every time he came down to Yangon, we would have a meal together and have long talks that touched on classmates, common close associates, politics , world affairs and especially on the state of the Union.
Though his mind and intellect were alert and in top working order, his health slowly began to fail him. He had a massive inoperable aortic aneurysm that troubled his heart . He had been getting regular check-ups in Yangon but during the Covid lockdowns and travel bans, he did not get to keep his regular appointments with his Yangon Consultant physician. Teleconferencing from Henzada became a hassle when internet lines were restricted or interrupted or disrupted . This time I knew my best friend since primary school days could not get over his last mountain . I knew Jimmy was sinking and I could do nothing about it
During all these years, Jimmy and I never lost contact with each other. I had helped his Dad, his Mum and his elder brother whenever they had medical emergencies, but this time, I was too far away and could not assist my friend.

Jimmy was a gentleman, an excellent educator who led by example and a prominent persona as a politician.
He lived a simple life and served his country to the best of his ability and later a parliamentarian who always chose to do the right thing whenever he encounters any wrongdoing. He was incorruptible, intellectually efficient, was of good character with a strong moral fibre and who had a sense for a proper code of professional conduct.
I always admired him and enjoyed our frequent long hours of telephone conversations even during my 12 year sojourn as an educationalist myself abroad after I retired from my soldiering days in the Army Medical Corps to become a professor in Malaysia.
Whenever we meet up and parted, we always promised to never say goodbye, rather saying au revoir, or auf viedersehn, till we meet again.
Today I have lost a close brother and a best friend truly close to my heart…

So no goodbyes from me Jimmy, I shall mark my time till I join you again in another world, in another rebirth , in a place …where reason and righteousness prevails over any evil and wrongdoings.

Credit : Arthur Kyi

Rose Ba Khet (Tin Tin Sann)

My sister Rose Ba Khet (class of 1961), better known as the artist Tin Tin Sann, was born in Thayet Myo (famous for its cement factory since British colonial times) on 20th October 1944, during World War Two.
Rose was cheerful, jovial, and friendly to those who met her from all works of life. She was kind-hearted and the radiant smile with which she greeted people was unforgettable. She was always thoughtful and ready to help those in need.
She was also feisty, a woman who did not suffer fools gladly, but fair-minded. All her friends loved her; she had the ability to touch hearts.
Rose came to the UK in early 1981 after her marriage to Dr Salman Raschid, an eccentric Cambridge graduate was a philosopher, psychiatrist, and an Islamic scholar. Their flat in Hampstead, packed with books and potted plants, was the setting for many convivial evenings with friends and relatives, thanks to Rose’s graceful personality combined with her love for adventurous cooking and entertaining.
Rose’s mother Daw May Yu had been a teacher at St Marys Diocesan Girls School, while her father U Ba Khet was a medical doctor who served as a personal physician to General Aung San during WW2. Rose was a pupil at the Methodist English School in Yangon in the mid-1950s and a classmate of Aung San Suu Kyi – the start of a lifelong friendship.
This was cemented by family connections between General Aung San and Rose’s late father-in-law M.A. Raschid, a trade and labour cabinet minister in U Nu’s government. They become close friends during the 1936 Rangoon university student union strike, when he was union president and Aung San his secretary.
Daw Khin Kyi (Mrs Aung San) was very fond of Rose, and they would meet whenever she visited Aung San Su Kyi in the UK. Rose also visited Su, as she called her, regularly at her husband Michael’s Oxford home and entertained them at her own home, when they would reminisce about the times they had spent together in Burma.
Rose would send toiletries requested by Su while she was under house arrest. Due to her communications with Su while under detention, Rose’s Burmese passport was confiscated by the military junta. For a long time, Rose was unable to visit to see her parents in Yangon, managing to do so only a few months before her mother passed away at the age on 86. Rose was one of the few to have an audience with Aung San Su Kyi at her request when she visited London in 2011.
Rose was not only an accomplished artist but also a trained scientist. She graduated with a BSc (Hons) in 1967 from Rangoon University, followed by an MSc. Her thesis was based on research into improving rice yields, carried out at the UBARI (Union of Burma Agricultural Research Institute) under Prof Bull Jones.
She worked as a demonstrator in Rangoon University’s botany department and later became head of the botany department at Taunggyi University just before her marriage.
Rose was widely regarded as a female pioneer in Burma’s avant-garde art movement. As president of Rangoon University’s art society, she organised many ‘Gantgaw Ywa’ exhibitions, Gantgaw Village being the nickname for RASU.

Ready When You Are!

Her paintings featured in many contemporary Young Burmese Artists exhibitions in Yangon and abroad. In 1972 she exhibited with other young artists in an exhibition called ‘Nway Yadu’. Held at the Institute of Medicine 1 (Dome) on Prome Road, it was organised by Prof George Tin Ohn, head of the medicine department at the Defence Services General Hospital, and his wife Margaret.
The couple were friendly with General Ne Win (then head of state) and his wife Kitty Ba Than, who attended the preview and picked out a few paintings that she wanted to have. We were all shocked when Rose asked for payment for her painting.
Later, a young army officer came to our house. I feared that Rose was going to find herself in trouble, but instead she was given the money that she had demanded. None of the other artists, myself included, would have dared to challenge the military authorities but Rose was fearless, full of integrity, and would not hesitate to fight for what she thought was right.
In 1975, while I was banned to exhibit my paintings, she organised the first ‘Burmese Batik’ exhibition at the famous Loka Natha gallery. The authorities naively didn’t consider ‘Batik’ as work of art, and I was able to exhibit my Batik paintings together with my two sisters.
She continued organising many ‘Zingami‘(Movements) art exhibitions with our group, which included late famous artists such as Nan Wai, Kin Maung Yin and Paw Oo Thet, up to the 9th movement before she left Burma in 1981.


In London Rose continued to exhibit her work regularly at various art exhibitions. In one of those art exhibitions at the Royal Society of Medicine she won first prize with a painting called ’Connections’. This sadly was her last exhibition at RSM in 2018 – I bought that painting and treasure it. She was also for a time a council member of the United Society of Artists, exhibiting regularly with the‘U A‘ group.
Salman’s award as visiting professor took the couple to Boston for a year after they married, and while there she exhibited her work at Harvard Law School. When they returned to the UK, she worked for Burmese Section of the BBC World Service. She started out as a casual presenter but later joined the marketing and audience relations department. She also work part-time as a current affairs and arts producer for the Burmese Section of BBC.
She was later appointed a marketing and audience relations manager and retired in 2004 having worked for the BBC for more than 22 years. After her retirement, she became a professional artist, painting at her Camberwell studio and exhibit regularly until her death.
Rose and Salman were at ease in a variety of settings, whether attending the Glyndebourne Festival or as regular worshippers in the Muslim prayer room at the nearby Royal Free Hospital. It was there that Rose died from Covid on 22nd February 2021, a few days after Salman had similarly succumbed. They had no children.
Rose is survived by her sister Khin Weinman (husband Steve Weinman) and brothers Arthur Sun Myint (wife Cecilia Ann), Al Haji U Aye Lwin (wife- late San San Tint) and U Tin Maung Aye (wife Kyi Kyi Win). She has donated large sum of monies from her estate to various charities in the UK and Myanmar, this includes National Society for the prevention of cruelty to children (NSPCC), Amnesty international of human rights action and Help the aged, Muslim free hospital, Muslim orphanages and old people’s home among others. We hope to set up a trust fund in her name to support underprivileged children with their higher education.

Arthur Sun Myint and Jamil Sherif
July 2021, Chester, UK

Khin Ma M Aye (Pamela Aye Maung)

Daw Khin Ma Ma Aye (Pamela Aye Maung) passed away in her home in Yangon on Friday, July 23, 2021 ( The Full Moon of Waso).
She was the eldest daughter of U Aye Maung and Daw Thin Thin ( Daisy). She is survived by her loving husband U Myint Kyaw Oo and siblings Yin Yin Aye (Winsome)- Tin Htet Sein, Win Khaing- Hla Hla Mu, Thit Thit Lwin, and Kyaw Myat-Myitzu.

She attended Methodist English High School, and then The Institute of Economics in Rangoon. She joined the Labor Office as a Labor Officer and eventually joined the UNFPA and continued working there in many capacities until her retirement. She continued working on short term projects with different UN organizations and was in fact still working when she took ill.
Her colleagues remember her as hardworking, fun loving and a great mentor for younger colleagues. During her high school years she was part of a girl band called the Lollipops and was featured on a Talent show on BBS! Great cook and loved to feed her family and friends!
Yin Yin Aye and Thit Thit offered Thet Pyauk Soon (lunch) Waso Robes and Nawakarma to the Sayadaws at Sasana Yaung Chi Monastery in El Monte California today. May she Rest In Peace and may her memory be a blessing.
The family thanks all for the kind condolences.
Dr.Khin Nyo Thet

Dr. Khin Nyo Thet passed away peacefully, at her home in the San Francisco Bay Area, surrounded by her husband, Dr. Lyn Swe Aye, and her children, Mimi Thabyay Aye and Thor Wynn Aye, on May 3rd, 2021.

Born in Rangoon, Burma on Sept. 17, 1946 to Dr. Kyaw Thet and Daw Khin Khin Gyi, she is survived by her brother, Dr. Lyn Aung Thet – (Dr Khin Mae Hla) and predeceased by her elder brother, Lyn Maung Thet, and younger sister, Khin Aye Thet. She grew up and was educated in Rangoon, with an interlude in the USA while her parents completed their postgraduate studies at Yale.

She graduated from the Institute of Medicine II, Rangoon, and immigrated to the USA, where she specialized in Pediatrics. She established a private medical practice in San Jose, California where over several decades, she enjoyed nurturing relationships with generations of patients.

Khin Nyo Thet 2Fearless, honest, warm and generous, as a teenager she sang in a girl group on the radio, and she loved to light up the dance floor. She took up competitive tennis, and later pickleball, leading her teams on to victory. She also loved hosting bridge and mahjong groups.

She helped many people, both professionally and privately. With her husband, she founded the Aye-Thet Scholarship Fund which sponsors an annual summer camp for children, focussing on Buddhism and Meditation at the Dhammananda Theravada Monastery in Half Moon Bay, California.

Given current size limitations on gatherings, a family-only service will be held at Skylawn Cemetery in San Mateo. A memorial service may be held at a future date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Theravada Buddhist Society of America (Aye-Thet Scholarship Fund), 17450 S. Cabrillo Hwy. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019.
Dr. Hla Maung Maung (Ronald Tu Maung)

Ronald Tu Maung , wife Helen, daughter Laura and granddaughter Zeya

Dr Hla Maung Maung (Ronald Tu Maung), a 1965 graduate of MEHS passed away in Manchester, England on April 24th, 2021 at 9:53 am local time. He suffered a major heart attack approximately 5 weeks ago and had been on a ventilator in the ICU since then. His beloved wife Helen and his beloved daughter Laura were at his side . He is survived by his siblings, Winston, Emily and Bo Bo, all graduates of MEHS, his wife Helen, two daughters , and four grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are pending.

Rose Chen (mother of Lucy Chen, Lily Chen, William Chen, Teddy Chen) Obituary 1921 – 2021

After living 100 years and 2 months, Rose Chin Swan Sio Chen went peacefully to heaven on March 30, 2021 in Millbrae, CA.
Rose was born and raised in Burma and immigrated to the United States in 1971, ultimately settling in California to live close to her children. Rose attended Chinese Women’s High School in Rangoon where she was an avid basketball varsity player and a member of a 20-member women’s band, playing the trumpet and later the saxophone.
At age 19, she lost her parents during the WWII Japanese invasion of Burma, which left her to care for her 9 younger siblings (ages 17 years to 5 months old). Refusing to put them in an orphanage, she raised all of her siblings with her husband with courage and determination.
She lived a comfortable and happy life in Burma with her husband, Y.C. Chen (married in 1942). Their marriage was one to admire as they were very devoted to each other. However, their blissful life was cut short when her husband suddenly died in 1958 at the age of 36. The loss was devastating for her. But she stayed strong to care for her four young children, ages 14 to 9, and their thriving business.
Enlisting the help of her younger and favorite brother, George, she turned the business into a more successful one. Since Rose was like a mother to him because he was only three during WWII, George was devoted to his sister and decided to quit medical school to help her and the business until they both relocated to the United States to escape the crumbling government and to be with her children who had left for college.
Rose had an infectious zest for life, devoted to her family, and never stopped learning. As an example, when she was in her 90s, she told her children that she wanted to live many more years to be with her children. She was very generous of her time and committed to helping others all her life, telling her children that one must give back as much as possible. For many years and well into her eighties, she enjoyed charitable fundraising for her civic community and causes for the elderly.
Rose had many passions and interests from the arts to sports and cooking. Her passion and dedication for Chinese watercolor painting resulted in an award-winning hobby. She started painting in her 50s and didn’t stop for decades. Her paintings became a major part of her life and morning ritual, when at that time of the day, she found the light to be most conducive for painting. She became very prolific, painting well over hundreds of paintings.
Her paintings won many awards, locally and abroad. She had 2 solo exhibit shows in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Her paintings were selected, among hundreds of submissions, by the San Francisco Art Association for many years and for art exchange exhibits with 3 Asian countries.
In addition to painting, her artistic nature shined with her love of music. She played the violin, trumpet, saxophone, and the harmonica which she would play for her grandchildren. Her devotion to caring for other and music intersected when her high school all-women band re-banded after WWII to play and raise money for her Alma Mater.
Sports also played a significant role in her life. She was a Burma National Doubles champion in badminton with her sister, Shirley, for 6 consecutive years. She continued playing badminton in San Francisco, into her early 80’s until she could no longer drive. Her husband also loved Badminton and encouraged her by building an indoor court and forming a club, The Sun Club, to play interclub tournaments.
She was a remarkable cook who could make a delicious meal based on what was on hand. Rose learned to make many different dishes from many cultures, which is another example of the many ways she was gifted. She was also wise because she knew the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. To this end, she perfected dishes from her husband’s region in China so he had a piece of hometown while in Burma.
Her love for travel was also another passion. Whether going for a drive or traveling around the world, she was ready ahead of time – packing her bag one month ahead. With her highly organized nature, traveling with her was a breeze plus she was ready first thing in the morning. Rose traveled to many countries in Asia and Europe and enjoyed the foods of these countries.
In late 1988, she suffered another big loss, her favorite brother, George, again, suddenly. His death had a big impact on Rose, who, by now, had experienced so many unexpected losses of her loved ones. Rose had always been a very strong, determined, courageous and “can-do” woman.
Despite these deep-hurting losses, Rose maintained her love of life and family and loved to share her knowledge with friends. She stepped up her volunteering – teaching tai chi, martial art sword and fan dances at the Senior Center in San Mateo for 25+ years until age 91. And in her mid-80s, learned Hawaiian dancing to help with fundraising for a statewide charitable organization called Self Help For the Elderly until her early 90s. She was acknowledged publicly by then San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, currently the Governor of California, for raising $50,000 for one dance with her fellow octogenarians.
Rose possessed a pioneering spirit and excelled in whatever she needed to do to reach her goals:
– First woman driver in Burma after WWII, late 1940s
– First woman to win National Champion in Badminton post 2nd World War
– With her brother, George, started a Methodist Church in San Francisco in the early 1980s with the pastor from their church in Burma
– First artist in her late 60s to exhibit as a solo artist in the Bay Area
– Mastered the practice of Tai Chi in her early 60s
People often asked her what is the secret to her longevity. She would laugh and say “I don’t know.” But we do. It is her ability to rise up to life’s challenges, always ready to learn new things no matter at what age, and simply love life and people. She never showed anger but with her signature composure she was always accepting of the situation. And, for anyone who’s lived a long life, she found ways to have fun and laugh.
Funeral service is scheduled on April 16, 2021 at 10:30am at the Skylawn Memorial Park – Skyline Blvd Hwy 92. San Mateo, CA 94402 · (650) 227-3142 ·

Zoom participation will be available on the Skylawn website. Please check this website or write to anyone of us if you wish to attend via Zoom or in person.

Jimmy Khoo (Jimmy Winthein)

Jimmy Khoo@Jimmy WintheinJimmy Khoo (a) Jimmy Winthein beloved husband of Gloria (Hengshoon) father of Margaret (a) Yi Yi Myint and Mark Haraga, Simon (a) Nyan Htoon (deceased) and Linda, Lloyd (a) Aung Win, Kathleen (Khine Wint Nwe) and Luis Cortez, grandfather of 9, younger brother of George (Soe Thein), older brother of Sonny (deceased), Kitty (Tin Tin Soe) and Harry Min Khaung, Cherry (Kyin Kyin Oo), Victor (a) Tun Tun (deceased) and Elizabeth (a) Kin Kin Htwe and Dr. Hla Pe passed away on 2/4/2021 at his residence. Our heartfelt condolences and prayers to the family.
May he rest in peace.
Frank Chein Lyan
Captain Aung Soe. UBA (Frank Aung Soe / Chein Lyan)
CLASS OF 1960.
passed away at 1:30 pm Eastern Standard time in U. S. A. on Friday 29th January 2021.
Cremation on Wednesday 2:00 pm. (NY time)
RIP my friend

khin nila mobile number is +1 201 647 4317
David Ba Htay @ D. Tin Win

David Ba Htay @ D. Tin Win ( 20-9-1941 to 16-01-2021) was a stalwart and dedicated Methodist Boy Scout leader.
Every one of us who joined the Boy Scout will remember his leadership and supervision.
May he rest in peace.
David Ba Htay David Ba Htay
Rest In Peace David, Sir.

Our dearest only brother David Ba Htay @ D. Tin Win ( 20-9-1941 to 16-01-2021) It’s sad when the people who gave you the best memories, become a memory.

Words will not wipe away your tears and hugs may not ease the pain , but hold onto your memories, because , forever they will remain.

I first came to know David Ba Htay when I was 10 years old.
Senior class students at MEHS , David , Ronnie, Ben, Ashoke came into our class rooms and asked who would like to be Boy Scouts or Cubs by age.
I stood up and announced I wish to be one ,( knowing, my parents will approve ) and I blurred out when asked , I am 11 by mistake so , I became a Boy Scout. If I am 10, I will start as a cub.
That day started my adventure as a kid into a life of nature, good environment and friendship into this age.

I came to meet David in Scotland in 1973 where he was doing his Doctorate in Glasgow University
And I was in Greenock repairing my ship. It was Spring and summer so like was very good
Every Friday , I went to Glasgow to spend the weekend with David. He has to do the extra cooking for his guests. That was for about 5 months !!
Thad time Julia, Eddie, Oscar were in Glasgow or Edinburgh, and we all meet every weekend
Alan was in Manchester.
There were a few other Burmese scholars too, whom I met occasionally on my week end trips to David’s.
I have a pen friend name Mr Wilkie who was a district officer in Burma before independence, my father worked under him.
Mr Wilkie lives in Shetland islands , north of Scotland.I had never met Mr Wilkie but we wrote or talked on the phone when my ship was in England.
Mr Wilkie gave as a gift a small diamond engagement ring for Tammy, Socialist days were hard for us for diamonds!!

One Friday, as I got to David’s room , he said there was a visitor who left his room this morning and went back to Shetland !
I asked with curiosity , was he Mr Wilkie? David affirmed as Yes!
Of course, of course Mr Wilkie should be a friend of Uncle U Ba Htay too.
I missed Mr Wilkie because David and I did not brought Mr Wilkie in our conversations.
Much later, Mr Wilkie’s lawyer wrote to my father that his friend has passed away. Mr. Wilkie was never married.
Going about In Glasgow or in Edinburgh with David , we take trains for transport and the rest were always walking.
Saving money to buy a car for home.
Once my 3rd Officer came with me to Glasgow and David came to meet us at the railway station, if David comes , I know we are to walk and not take a bus.
My 3rd Officer noticed David walking in front of us, and whispered to me “Ko Aye Tut”, look at his shoes, the soles are worn out, he must have walked a lot” , true he must be.

At that time Eddie , a Doctor said to
me” Edwin, MRCP is nothing “.
Then after David said “ I do not know if I can get my Doctorate,as my thesis presentation is to be about the laser. I have to build a laser producing machine first which is Physics and I am a Chemistry man” “ And still I could not order parts for the laser making machine “.
I was worried for him too.

The shipyard where I was gave 12 free tickets to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo parade and arranged a van for us from Greenock to Edinburgh.
No one wished to go except myself and the 3rd Officer, so naturally the remaining Tickets went to my school friends and other scholars. We all went to the Edinburgh Tattoo and probably the noisiest in the spectators stands.
We shouted “ Burma” every time the organizers asked from which country attended the show .
After, 1974 I heard David was back as Dr. Tin Win and met him at a tea shop in RASU .
I did not ask about his laser machine , but as a boy scout he will definitely get his spare parts.
Eddie became a Neurologist and once I have something wrong with me( which I could not recall) , and my Five Star line Clinic Doctor send me to the Neurologist
There, of all people I was to be attended was Eddie.
He let me sit on the bed and knocked on my knees twice and said I am okay ! That’s it ? He said yes.
Till this day No other doctors had knocked my knees. I must be fine then and now
Famous words “ MRCP is nothing “!! I remembered till this day.
Some times in 1989 , I and Tammy went to Aung Set wedding in Bangkok. Of all maidens, Aung Set married Sheila Saing ( another MEHS alumni) daughter.
There at the wedding I met David again ! And of course Julia.
In Bangkok I met Dr. Linda and Dr. Khin Maung Oo who were the group in Scotland.
Many years followed with David and Nu Nu.
I always greet both of them with “ What did you see “ ( ဘာ မြင် သ လည်း)
And was always greatful for their help.

This is so sudden to here this sad news of David’s demise.
Why must it happen so suddenly?

David was known as “Ba Htay yah “ to his Harry Tan 7th. Standard free for all age group.

In the scouts group photo David is standing at the back row in the middle
Frank Chit, standing on extreme left. I was squatting on the right extreme front in Khaki uniform.

The photo with David , Jon Twe Maung and Edward Wee . Cycling trip to upper Burma.

The color Photo was in Bangkok when Jon and Carmen came for a visit in the late nineties.

Those were the good old days my friend.
Rest In Peace , Sir.
by Edwin Tin Htut
Kenny Teoh

Dear friends and family,

I am writing to inform you my brother Kenny Teoh passed away peacefully this morning, August 13, 2020 in the arms of his beloved wife Helen with his son and daughter Drs. Raymond and Tricia Teoh nearby. Kenny was a loving husband, father, and grandfather who cared deeply about family and friends.
Kenny has been the ultimate consummate professional who worked as a Biomedical Engineer at the Baylor Hospital in Dallas before retiring in Austin to be close to his loved ones. Born in July 1948, Kenny attended the prestigious Methodist English High School (MEHS) and matriculated with multiple distinctions. Though accepted into the Rangoon Institute of Medicine in 1969, he chose instead to attend the University of Texas in Austin where he graduated with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and finished with an M.S. in Engineering, specializing in Biomedical technology.

With his love of life, great sense of humor and influenced by the camaraderie of his high school days, Kenny was an early internet pioneer and in collaboration with sister Juliet pioneered the creation of the MEHS Alumni website. Since its February 1998 launch,the web site has brought together the diaspora of MEHS alums across many countries, enabled countless re-connections, and facilitated Reunions of many old school friends. Kenny delighted in the many testimonials of rekindled friendships, and was in turn recognized and awarded a plaque of appreciation by the global MEHSA community for his two decades of dedication to bringing people together.

Kenny is survived by his wife Helen, son Raymond & wife Oanh, grandchild Emma, and daughter Tricia. He is also survived by his siblings Bennett, Cecil, David, Edward, Fred, George, Henry, Ivan, Lilian, Margaret, Noreen and Oscar. He will be missed by all who know and love him, and we will treasure the memory of this wonderful, delightful person who brought a smile to our lips and sunshine into our lives. Rest in Peace, brother Kenny.

Cecil on behalf of the Teoh Siblings

Ohn Set

Ohn Set (Class of 64), beloved wife of Lynn Zaw Win (deceased), sister-in-law of Bo Zaw Win, Aye Zaw Win (deceased), Kenneth Zaw Win, Ni Ni Zaw Win (deceased), Andrea Zaw Win (deceased) expired on July 31, 2020. May she rest in peace.
Cecil Wagstaff

MEHSA Gathering in Australia-Sept, 2019
Pic R. john Cronin (a.k.a Turner), Cecil Wagstaff (a.k.a. MEHS Bayoke or Larrikin) Edward Gonsalves (a.k.a. Turner)  & U Tin Aung Cho

Rest In Peace
Cecil Wagstaff (Class of 1961 ) passed away on May 10th in the early hours of Sunday in Canberra.

He was such a stalwart MEHS Alumnus ?‍? and an active member.

He was one of the three founding Trustees of the M.E.H.S. Memorial Foundation, a scholarship fund organization established in U.S.A. in 2007.

Edmund Aung Than

Edmund Aung Than (class of 66), brother of Edgar Aung Than passed away from natural death.

Aye Zaw Win

Aye Zaw Win (class of 66), beloved husband of Sandar Win, brother of Bo Zaw Win, Lynn Zaw Win (deceased), Ni Ni Zaw Win (deceased),Andrea Zaw Win(deceased), Kenneth Zaw Win, expired on February 25, 2020.
May he rest in peace

Trixi Limbin

Trixi Limbin age 79 years, sister of Peter Lim Bin, Augustine Lim Bin, passed away.
Funeral will be 4pm at Yay Way, on 15 October 2019.
Kyats50,000/- on behalf of YWC was contributed to the family.


Nu Nu Khin (Nellie Pyo Nyein)

Daw Nu Nu Khin @ Nellie Pyo Nyein, age 80, passed away on 19/9/2019.


Robert Oung Sein

U Aung Ye Htut @ Robert Oung Sein age 83 years passed away 13/9/2019 at home and cremation at Ye way cemetery at 10 :00 am 17/9/2019



Sad to announce that Victor, husband of Htar Cho Wun (Rosalin Wun), passed away today (September 14, 2019).

Jeanette Zaw Win

It is with a very sad heart to let all our friends know that Jeannette Zaw-Win (Jeanette Rose) passed away on September 3rd 2019 at 10:30 pm Eastern Time. She leaves behind her loving husband Bo, two sons and four grandchildren. Our thoughts and prayers are with the whole family in this time of sorrow. May Jeannette Rest In Peace. 


Harry Chew

Dr. Harry Chew, class of 1958, passed away peacefully on April 8, 2019, survived by his beloved wife, Gracie, his brothers and sisters.
Funeral services was held on May 4, at the Sky Rose Chapel, Rose Hills Memorial, Whittier.


John David

John David from the Class of ’65 passed away in California on May 8, 2019


Peggy Thain Moung (Chan)

Peggy Thain Moung (Chan)
Âge. 73
Wife of Min Thain Moung (MEHS Alumni)
Passed away peacefully on March 12, 2019. She left behind husband, daughter Marika and three grandchildren. Our heartfelt condolences to Min and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family in this time of sorrow. May Peggy Rest In Peace.


C.R Venugopal

Charles Venogopal passed away on 25th February 2019 at the age of 74 years.


Arthur Chit ( U Aung Koe)

Arthur Chit ( U Aung Koe) younger brother of  (U Tha Noe), (Ossie Chit) , Ivy and Maisie Chit, elder brother  of Frank , Victor, and (Teddy Chit) passed away peacefully  on 30 August, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. in Mingaladon Military Hospital .


Bohmu Kyaw Lwin ( Navy 1134 Rtd)

Fraser Aung Than ( Methodist English High School ) Batch of 61.

Rtd.  Director General  (   2 Depts.   )

Age 74 years

Passed away  8/8/2018   ( Wednesday )


Daw May Than Win (Julia Thar Win) – class of 65. Age 71 years
Passed away on July 16, 2018 at 12:07 pm (Australia time) in Olivia Newton-John Austin Health hospital, Melbourne Australia.
Funeral service was held on July 18, 2018.

U Tin Hlaing Hmee ( Wilfred Hmee) – class of 61. Age 73 years
Ex Chairman(MAI) ( Board of Directors of Yangon Airways ( M.H.I )
Asleep in Jesus on 24 July 2018 ( Tuesday) at 9:32 a.m at Victoria Hospital, Yangon

Tin Maung Khin (Roland Kin) Roland Kin (Class of 1961) passed away on June 25th, 2018 from injuries sustained from a fall. Roland Kin committed his time and energy and served as the first Chief Financial Officer of MEHS Memorial Foundation, and also was a generous contributor to the MEHS Memorial Foundation Education Fund and Health and Welfare Fund.
He had also assisted in the development of the new MEHSA website.

Daw Khin Htwe Thwin (Nancy Thwin) beloved wife of Johnnie Ohn Tun (Johnny Saing) passed away peacefully this afternoon (2 June 2018) at 11:13 a.m at No: 15 F Thantaman Road , Dagon Township, Yangon. Myanmar.
The funeral services for Daw Khin Htwe Thwin (Nancy Thwin) will be held at Ye Way Christian Cemetery at 10 a.m. on 4th June 2018.

Daw May , 89 yrs (also known as Rakhine Daw May) of MEHS/ SHS No:(1) Dagon peacefully passed away this morning (24th May 2018 ) at 4:30 a.m. at her resident No: 942, ward (1) , Anawrahtar Street. Dagon Myo Thit (North), Yangon, Myanmar.
The Funeral Service will be held on 26th May, 2018 (Saturday) at Yay Way Cemetery, Yangon , Myanmar and the time will be announced later when I get more information.

Dr.Ko Ko Maw (MEHS/1971), Dental Surgeon (Age-65) passed away at 03:00 am on 22nd May,2018 (Tuesday) morning in Nay Pyi Taw.
Cause of death: Pulmonary Embolism.
Funeral Service will be held on 24th May,2018 (Thursday) in Nay Pyi Taw Kwin Gyi Cemetery

U Myo Aung ( Age 78 ) Physics teacher MEHS /SHS (1) Dagon passed away on 28/9/2013

Bernie Tin, class of 68, passed away on 16/9/2013

Margaret Flynn (Margaret Khin Maung), class of ?, succumbed to cancer and passed away on March 9th, 2018.
She is survived by her husband, Errol Flynn, class of ?, who is also suffering from cancer.

U Tin Tun Thet @ Tommy Pe Thet (Age -70) , younger brother of Dr.Aung Tun Thet @ Alan Pe Thet died 12th Feb 2017 night. The Funeral Service will be held at 04:00 pm on 14th Feb at Ye Way Cemetery.

Address of U Tin Tun Thet
No.(81/Ka) Sasana Yeiktha Road, Bahan Township,Yangon.
The News published in 13th February Kyay Mone News Paper.

Mrs. Sheila Maung Maung, mother of Hugh ( Margaret Soe Maung) passed away in Yangon on May 8, 2017. She was 96 years old. The remains were buried at Yay Way the same day according to her wishes.

Henry Kyin Thoung (Soe Naing) 1964, one of our MEHS stalwarts, passed away on May, 25, 2017 in Yangon.

A Battler, & A True Champion

Lynette Mary Anne Moss (MARILYN) (nee) Wagstaff, was born in Rangoon, Burma and came into this world on the 18th June 1949, at The Lady Dufferin Hospital

She grew up an attended St. John’s Convent & The Methodist English High School

In 1963 Marilyn moved to India, with our parents, William & Moira and lived in New Delhi & Calcutta, working at The Bank of America and Insurance.

This intrepid battler chose to set off on her own to Australia, to make a better life for her and her Family, (Mum/Dad/Sister Beverly/Grandmother and Uncles).
Without her assistance I would not have been here, and this was achieved taking on and challenges presented by the Immigration of the day.

She loved dancing, horse racing, attending functions, and travel, and was doing this this on her way to heaven, on board a Cruise Ship the night before she left us.

Her sparkling personality, effervescent nature and is reflected in the many Messages of Condolences received from ever so-wide Circle of friends

Family was Paramount to Marilyn and her many friends, to whom she would always “be there “ offering to help.

She had a knack of making new friends, instantly
Even with with a couple who we met on board the Cruse ship for only two evenings, at Dinner and they have sent floral tributes
Need I say more ?

Farewell Little Sister, you have gone, BUT will never be Forgotten

Mrs. Lilian Smith, mother of Brian, Marilyn, Frederick and Hazel Smith, passed away on September 9th, 2017.
Mrs. Smith was 97.

Dear Friends,

Sheilagh’s son 2 6:30 PM (Houston Central Time) called me to inform us that Sheilagh passed away 10 minutes ago. 10/12/17.
God bless her, may she rest in peace. We all miss her.

Let us be glad she is not suffering now. Amen!

Eddie Teoh
Sheileagh (Class of 1956/57), born April 1940, was a member of the MEHS hockey team.

9 replies on “Obituary”

This is to inform friends near and far that Margaret Gano (Myint Swe) passed away 5/24/2017 at 11:10 am after a long illness. She is survived by her husband Robert Gano, Mabel (Peter Zaw (deceased)), Gilbert (Beauty Swe), Naomi (Mike) and June (Soe Aung). Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family in this time of need. May Margaret (Ju Ju) Rest In Peace. ( Reposted from a posting in MEHS Alumni Group Page on FB posted by Gloria Win Thein on 5/24/17).

It is with deep regret and sorrow that I am reporting the death of Captain U Hla Myint, husband of our classmate Augustine Limbin ( Daw Tin Swe Aye) (MEHS Class of 1961)in Newark, CA on June 12,2017. He is survived by his two sons , Kyaw Thi Ha Myint and Kyaw Moe Myint ( their spouses) and their beloved granddaughter, Tammy. May Capt. U Hla Myint Rest In Peace.

It is with deep regret and sorrow that I am reporting the death of Vicky Maung ( Class of 1961) , wife of Ko Soe Kyi ( also class of 1961) on January 11th, 2018 in Yangon. The remains were cremated at Yay Way Cemetary on January 13th, 2018. May Vicky rest In Peace. Our deepest condolences to Ko Soe Kyi and family . (Reported by Daisy Yea).

It is with deep regret and sorrow that I am reporting the death of U Win Htin ( Retd. Director General – Dept of Fisheries) , husband of Betty Kyaw Gaung ( Class of 1961) on January 31st, 2018 in Yangon. The remains were were cremated at Yay Way Cemetary on February 1st. May he rest in peace. Our deepest condolences to Betty and family .(Reported by Marie Shwe Tha )

Mrs. Molly Chin Lee, a Former Student of Mrs. Doreen A. Logie, Principal, at The Methodist English Girls High School (Yangon), Age 97, of Granville, OH., USA., died peacefully on Friday, May 8, 2020 at her home. She was born June 16, 1923, in Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Burma), to the late, Chin Hone Foo and Wong Pao San.

Molly worked for The United States Information Services (USIS) Library, and, The USA State Department, USA Embassy, from 1951-1969, in Yangon, for 19 years. She then worked at the General Electric Library in Maryland, USA, from 1969-1973, for 5 years. Since November 1973, Molly became a Full Time Babysitter, for her 9 Grandchildren, and, earned her High School Diploma, from Granville Christian Academy, OH., at her Age of 94.

She is survived by her Children, Dr. Floretta Theresa (Stephen) Chu, Miss Lois Jane Teresa Lee, Esq., and, Dr. Owen Lee; Grandchildren, Grace Chu, Dr. Eugene Chu, Michelle (Matthew) Wong, Amanda (Cederic) Wong, Vivian Chu, Vanessa (Zachariah) Lee, Jennifer (Jacob) Lee, Anthony ‘Tony’ S. Lee (Jr), and, Christopher S. Lee; Great Grandchildren, Audrey Elizabeth Lee and Haley Chu; Sister, Mrs. Selina Chin Large, several Nieces and Nephews; and numerous Relatives, from the Lee’s and Chin’s throughout the world.

In addition to her Parents, she was preceded in death by Husband, Mr. Terence Lee (Age 45); Older Son, Anthony Lee (Sr) Age 42); Son-In-Law, John Wong (Age 33); and, Grandson, David Lee (Age 9 Months).

A Memorial Service will be held at a later date.

To sign an online guestbook, please visit

Recorded By: Miss Lois Jane Lee @ Myint Myint Yee @ Aha Ngwe
Date: 05/11/2020 @ 08:30 am (EST, USA).

Mothers’ Day (Sunday, 05/10)/2020):
In Forever Loving Memories …

Our Mother, Mrs. Molly Chin Lee @ Chin Ngood Yin (Gentle Moon), died peacefully, on Friday, 05/08/2020, at her Age of 97. Our Father, Mr. Terence Lee @ Lee Puck Ying @ U Ba Yin, died in 1968, of an Enlarge Heart condition, at his Age of 45. Our Parents have been ‘Yangonites’.

We Praise and Thank GOD, that, Mother Molly, has lived an Additional 52 years, more than Dad, Terence. We have been very Grateful, for The Presence of our Mother Molly, as a Widow, in the Absence of our Father, Terence. On 05/08/2020, Dad Terence & Mom Molly, are Happily United again, in The Spirit, with our Heavenly Father. They are always Loved & never Forgotten.

Our Mother, Molly Chin Lee, attended Chinese School, in Yangon, Chinatown, so that, she could speak in 3 Chinese Languages of Mandarin, Taishan & Hong Kong, in addition, to the English & Myanmar Languages. She was Transferred to The Methodist English Girls High School (M.E.G.H.S.), when she began her High School years. Mother Molly Chin, was a Student, of Mrs. Doreen A. Logie, who has been The Founder & Principal of M.E.G.H.S., and, her Classroom Teacher. 3 months prior to her Graduation from High School, The World War II began, and, there was The Japanese Invasion, in Myanmar, which interrupted her Education. Molly’s Family, evacuated, from their Chinatown Home, and, escaped to a Palaung (Long Neck Women) Village, Namsan, to escape from the Wars. She was able to obtain her High School Diploma, from Granville Christian Academy, at her Age of 94.

Our Father, Terence Lee, was a Student at St. Paul High School, located at Botahtaung Township. 3 months prior to Graduation from High School, similarly, Dad’s Family experienced The World War II, and, The Japanese Invasion, in Myanmar. Dad Terence & Mom Molly were Neighbors, in Yangon Chinatown, so that, the 2 Families evacuated from their Homes, and, escaped together, to The City of ‘Namsan’, which is located in The Shan States of Myanmar.

Being The Oldest Son, in The Lee Family, Dad Terence was injured, for having to Run Errands, for The Families, by travelling the Narrow Dirt, Mountainous Lanes, in The Myanmar Jungles, with No Electricity, with Mosquitoes, Flies, Wild Animals, Robbers, etc … in an Open, Jeep Car, between Namsan & Yangon, which have been very Long, Risky Journeys. His injuries made him into an Invalid, so that, he became ‘SECURITY’ for our Family, and, ‘Kept an Eye’, on us, Children, as we were growing up. No One Broke-Into our Homes to Steal, Vandalize, or, Damage Properties.

Mother Molly became ‘The Bread Winner’ for our Family, as an English Typewriter Typist, being employed at The United States Information Services (USIS) Library, and, The USA State Department, USA Embassy, for a Total of 19 years, from 1951 to 1969. She earned a Monthly Income of $400 to $650 Myanmar Kyats, to pay for our Cost of Living Expenses, in Yangon, Myanmar.

In 1968, Dad Terence died of an Enlarged Heart. In February 1969, our Family: Mother Molly, my Younger Brother, Owen & Myself, immigrated to The USA, and, have been Reunited with our Older Brother, Anthony Lee (Sr) @ Maung Myint Thwin. Our First Home in The USA has been at Kensington, MD.

Mother Molly was employed by General Electric Company, from 1969 to 1973, for 5 years. She Resigned from her employment at General Electric Library, located in Gaithersburg, MD., and, became a Babysitter, for her 9 Grandchildren, since November 1973, when her First Granddaughter, Michelle Wong was born, and,they lived in Ellicott City, MD.

The Word of GOD, in Isaiah 57:02 says: “Those who walk uprightly, enter into Peace; they find Rest, as they lie in Death”. Amen.

May Almighty GOD Bless us, in The Name of The Father, The Son, and, The Holy Spirit. Amen.

Recorded By: Miss Lois Jane Teresa Lee, Esq. @
Myint Myint Yee @
Lee Wren Aha Ngwe

Date: 05/12/2020 @ 05:10 am (EST, USA).

For the school’s elocutions contest, students were selected by Teacher Mrs. Evans.
I was also in the group of boys and girls including Cecil Wagstaff selected to participate in the all schools elocution contest.
All of us has to sing a song for Mrs. Evans to judge our voices.
We all made sure we sang the school song to play it safe with Mrs Evans.
I remembered Cecil standing and leaning on the door watching us sing the school song.
I still rememberers his mischievous look on his face waiting his turn to sing.

When his turn came, without moving his standing position, Cecil looked into the Teacher’s face and sang “ There’ll never be any one else but you for me “ ( Ricky Nelson’s top hit).
Mrs Evans went fuming and shouted “ Get out Wagstaff , get out!”
Every one of us were giggling .
Cecil had to leave the room at the end of this sentence!!
Can’t croon anymore.

But anyway Cecil too was selected to represent the school.
Rest In Peace Cecil.
Thus , it is my eulogy.
by Edwin Tin Htut

Mrs. Molly Chin Lee – Obituary (05/08/2020)

Facebook – Washington Soe Nyunt:

So sorry to know of your mother’s death.
I remember her fetching you at our M.E.H.S.
May her soul rest in peace.

Your childhood friend,
Rosie Soe Nyunt,
Your Classmate,
Dagon1 B.E.S.H. (D1 BEHS) /
M.E.H.S (

Miss Lois Jane Lee Replied:

Thanks very much Rosie Soe Nyunt, Family & Friends. I do Miss you ALL.

Mother Molly began working at The United States Information Services (USIS) Library, Yangon, Myanmar, in 1951. I began attending my Nursery Class, at The Methodist English High School (, in 1953. I remember Mother Molly bringing me to the Entrance of the very Large Nursery Classroom, and, dropping me off, with the Nursery Class Teachers, on my First 2 days, as a New Student. I would cry for a Short while (feeling abandoned by Mother Molly), and, then, Quickly, enjoyed my Nursery Classmates, and, the Children’s Programs. I have learned my ABC English Alphabets, in my Nursery Class. My First Cousin, Blossom Ho, also began her Nursery Class in the same Nursery Class Room. However, we were, Each, in a Different Nursery Student Group.

Thanks very much, to ALL our Dagon1 Basic Education High School (D1 BEHS), the former, Methodist English High School M.E.H.S.) Teams. Kadaw, Kadaw, Kadaw, to ALL our Principals, Instructors, Administrators, Staff, etc … “To GOD Be The Glory”. Amen.

Your Loving Classmate & Friend,
Miss Lois Jane Lee @
Myint Myint Yee [MY]

eMail Address: lj*******@te******.edu, OR,
My*********@gm***.com (The Beauty of Myanmar)
Phone: (740) 322-3601
Mailing Address: P O Box 105, Newark, Oh. 43058-0105, USA.

Date: 05/15/2020 @ 01:45 pm (EST, USA).

by Edwin Tin Htut
I am satisfied at least I could send the Plaque award to Kenny by DHL courier in time for thanksgiving day.
I send the Plaque to Ivan Teoh so as to surprise Kenny at thanksgiving dinner.

He was one of the real Prime Alumni who should receive this honorable award .
Without him, all MEHSA International Reunions will not be successful with large turn out of guests.
Kenny and I worked on the website Reunion informations and only in 2011 Las Vegas Reunion, I could meet him in was a great honor meeting Kenny.

And it is now the first time I see him in the photo holding the plaque with a big smile.

Rest In Peace Kenny.Sir.

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