Annual Reports

MEHS Memorial Foundation Reports


[tab title=”2010″]

MEHS Memorial Foundation—Report for 2010

On behalf of all the Trustees, it gives me much pleasure to report on an eventful and successful year for the Foundation.

Alumni may recall that, at the School Reunion in Pattaya, Thailand, and later in the Report for 2009, I regretted the shortage of applicants for the scholarships we had to offer, and asked all of you to publicise the Foundation to your old schoolfriends and relatives in Burma (Myanmar). This request has had the desired effect, as during the year we had a number of approaches for scholarships for the children and grandchildren of alumni, and are now awarding 3 university scholarships, and 6 scholarships for children still at school. All are children or grandchildren of MEHS alumni. I’m sure you’ll all agree that the Foundation’s Trustees, and their many helpers, in Burma are to be congratulated for a job well done in difficult circumstances, including the national elections.

The cost of these scholarships for 2011 will be kyats 1,410,000 (approximately $1600), which was sent during the year to Trustees in Burma for disbursement. At the end of 2010 we still had the equivalent of US $19479, which includes Thai Baht 150,000 (approximately $4,600). This sum may look healthy, but as we expect the scholarships already awarded to run for several years to come, and as we also hope other applicants will come forward, we shall need a continuing supply of donations if we are to meet all our commitments. This time I don’t feel ah-nah-de to ask; the Foundation’s message is spreading, our outgoings will increase as students move from school to university, and the moneys will be needed! In this context, I should mention that the children of teacher Mrs Mavis Edwards pooled together and donated $1500 to the Foundation for a scholarship named in memory of their mother. Any other donors are very welcome to do the same. All donor names, other than those who wish to remain anonymous, and amounts donated are displayed elsewhere on this website.

In order that you can see the real-life effect of your donations, we have asked our scholarship students to write a few words about themselves, and their aspirations and ambitions, and appended to this Report are two “thank you” letters. Such letters are not, of course, any obligation or condition of the scholarships, but we do hope our other students will also be happy to give us their thoughts, for you to share.

This is a quite short Report, but I hope to be able to give you more news of the Foundation when we meet in Las Vegas in July. Till then, we Trustees wish you health and prosperity for the rest of 2011.

Marina (Pereira) Gaudoin
May 2011

Contact us at: me************@ao*.com
Posted: June 7, 2011


For all those who have so generously supported the aims and objectives of the MEHS Memorial Foundation, here is the second Annual Report of the Trustees.

I would first of all like to apologise for the late production of the Report. It was my responsibility, but after the MEHS School Reunion in Pattaya on January 9, 2010, my husband and I continued around the world, visiting family and friends, including many of our old MEHS schoolmates, and we only got back to our home in Perth, Western Australia on 28th February.

The Report itself draws from the content of the speech I made at the Reunion, and while the information may be familiar to those who attended, there are many of our old schoolfriends who were not able to be there, and who could find the Report interesting.

As I have mentioned before, the work of the Foundation depends very heavily on the efforts of the Trustees in Burma. Cyril Ba Than, Clement Tin Tut and Alan Kyaw Maung have now been joined by Johnny Saing, who had been one of their key, and very active, volunteer helpers, while in the USA we have also managed to recruit Roland Khin as our tenth Trustee. Roland brings valuable accountancy skills to the Foundation’s table, and has been able to advise on all the necessary financial information we need to provide to the financial authorities of the USA, where the Foundation is incorporated.

The finances of the Foundation continue in a very healthy state, thanks to all who have given so generously. At the time of writing this Report, and including donations at the Pattaya Reunion, and a Reunion surplus, we have US $15,138 in our US bank account, Thai Baht 150,000 donated at the previous Reunion, and Kyats 410,000 held by Trustees in Burma.

Against this surplus, we have commitments of only Kyats 300,000 a year for our young University engineering student, now in his second year, as the accountancy student we had been assisting has now passed her final exams. Hers is one young life we have positively affected. We are also giving Kyats 120,000 each to two young schoolchildren, children of an MEHS Alumnus. A current total of the equivalent of only around US $600 year. And this is where I, on behalf of the Trustees, ask for your help. Not for more money, but to tell all your old schoolfriends still in Burma that we have the funds, and want to provide scholarships for their children and grandchildren, (even great-grand-children if any!) where there is some need of financial help.

Out in the West, where scholarships are available for school and university, all kinds of families, wealthy and not- so- wealthy, readily apply. There is a pride in saying “my son/daughter has a scholarship”, but in Burma, and despite all the efforts of the Trustees, we get the feeling that families are reluctant to come forward to the Foundation, possibly afraid to lose “face” (myet hna nge ma so lok), particularly as they see other fellow students who have done better for themselves, in Burma and overseas as well.

So, if you have family or friends back there, please tell them that they should not be reluctant or shy to apply for Foundation scholarships. We have the funds, and want to help, and (this could be important for them) we will also keep their identities confidential if they wish. It is no good our collecting more money from you, if we can’t spend it in the way intended. So I repeat, please help us to help them. Thank you.

For those who wish to continue donating, in anticipation of more scholarship students coming forward, I should also mention that since the Reunion we have a couple of new enquiries for scholarships, and that Harry, our President and Chief Operating Officer, has registered the Foundation as a non-profit tax exempt organisation in the USA. So donations by US citizens can be exempted from their annual tax returns. The MEHSA website has the necessary details for those interested.

In closing this Report, I would like to thank Kenny Teoh for continuing to make the website available to us, and all the organisers of the Reunion in Pattaya, where we were able to attract more donations to the Foundation. Naturally, all of us Trustees hope that we shall see many, many of you at the next Reunion, now scheduled for 2011 in Las Vegas. And please don’t spend all your spare cash at the tables. Keep some for our students in Burma!

Till then, on behalf of the Trustees, my very best regards and wishes to all of you.

Marina Gaudoin

Contact us at: me************@ao*.com
Posted: May 19, 2010

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[tab title=”2011″]

MEHS Memorial Foundation—Report for 2011

It’s “once again time”, and somewhat belatedly, for me to report to MEHS alumni, on behalf of the Foundation’s Trustees, the past year’s events.

In 2011, the undoubted highlights for the Foundation were, firstly, the MEHS Reunion held in Las Vegas over 17th and 18th July and, secondly, the MEHS lunch held at the M3 Food Centre in Yangon on 13th November, organised by the Foundation’s Trustees in Myanmar, and their many willing volunteer helpers. Numerous photographs and video recordings of these two events are available for viewing on the MEHS website, so generously maintained by Kenny Teoh.

The Reunion was once again a great opportunity for the Foundation to thank all who have given of their time and money to help us offer scholarships to the children and grand-children of our fellow students who are still in Myanmar, and who need some financial help with their education. In Las Vegas, we raised over $1800 from new donations, auctions and the sale of books, while soon afterwards Michael Moe Myint donated Kyats 20 lakhs. All very much appreciated, and needed.

A financial statement of our kyat income and expenditure is posted separately on the website, from which you will note that at the end of the year we held a balance of kyats 3,321,042. In addition we had, in the Foundation’s Accounts, US $16,136 and Thai Bahts 150,000. Over the years we have had a total of 11 scholarship students, with, at year end, 9 remaining; 3 at university and 6 still at school. One of our first students has graduated, while another failed his exams, and so that particular scholarship has been terminated. The students attending university each get K300,000 a year from the Foundation , with “external” students on a correspondent course getting K250,000, as their costs are less. The school children get K100,000 each. Viewed against these commitments, which will continue each year and which are even likely to increase when the schoolchildren graduate to university, our funds will not be sufficient. In addition, and now that the kyat has “floated”, the US dollar is not buying nearly as many kyats as it was a few years ago – a reduction of as much as 30%, and that is why we ask all alumni to continue donating as much as they can afford. So that the Foundation can continue to help with the education of those who so desperately need it. It is their passport to a better life, for themselves and their families.

Some of you might remember the plea I made a couple of years ago for help in getting more applications for scholarships. That appeal succeeded, and from 3 scholarships at that time we have moved on to 9. But we Trustees are also looking ahead, and have advertised in the media in Myanmar for more applications. All this, of course, in the hope and expectation that you will continue to be generous. All amounts, little or large, in kyats or other currencies, will be gratefully accepted.

I mentioned the MEHS lunch on 13th November as the second highlight of the year. It provided a wonderful opportunity for so many alumni in Myanmar to get to see each other again, at very reasonable cost, and to see and hear Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ( MEHS Class of ’61) on the stage, with Trustee Cyril Than Hla beside her. In her address to alumni, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi praised the work of the Foundation. She also emphasised that it, with support from MEHS alumni generally, could be the roots from which education standards in Myanmar, particularly concerning the teaching of English, could grow. It was, at that time, one of her rare social appearances, and we certainly hope it won’t be the last time she graces us with her presence.

This leads me on to the next Reunion, which will be held in Yangon over 5th and 6th January 2013. Many of the Foundation’s Trustees, and their helpers, are closely involved in the preparations, and I am quite convinced that they will put on a show to rival any of the previous Reunions, including the memorable ones in Bangkok and Pattaya organised by Trustee Edwin Tut.

So, on behalf of the Trustees, including new Trustees Lucy Chen and Bryan Swe Tun, I hope we will see as many of you as possible in Yangon next year. And please don’t forget to bring all the spare cash you can. We will again be asking for your money- for the students! Some of whom we hope will be able to attend the Reunion.

Marina (Pereira) Gaudoin
August, 2012

Contact us at: me************@ao*.com
Posted: August 9, 2012

A Thank you note from Trustee and Team Yangon

Glad to know that there are people willing to donate for a good cause. This year we are proud to announce that the Achievement Award for Matriculation, scoring the highest marks 522 amongst the siblings of an alumni, is to be awarded at the 6th. MEHSA International Reunion, 5th. and 6th. January 2013.

This prize of Kyat 300,000/-(Kyat three hundred thousand) will be awarded every year, selected from the siblings of MEHS alumni who scores the highest marks above 500. Applications for this award was advertised in two newspapers and two weekly journals.


Johnny Saing
M.E.H.S. Memorial Foundation
Yangon Team Office

Contact us at: me************@ao*.com
Posted: December 29, 2012


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[tab title=”2012″]

MEHS Memorial Foundation—2012 Annual Report

The Foundation, as its name suggests, does not exist in its own little vacuum. It is, rather, part and parcel of the rich history of our old school, and its activities are closely entwined with the periodic school Reunions, at which alumni get re-acquainted, and during which the bulk of funds for scholarships are pledged or raised. This Report, therefore, dwells as much on the Foundation as on the Reunion held last January in Rangoon.

During 2012, there were several changes to the Board of Trustees. After 7 years of close involvement, during which he was instrumental in getting the Foundation registered as a not-for-profit organisation in the USA, with tax advantages for US donors, Harry Taw has handed over the Presidency to Tommy Htay. Tommy, as many will recall, was called out of retirement to act as interpreter when US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama, met Burmese leaders last year. While Harry has agreed to stay on as a Trustee, and will continue to give us the benefit of his advice, our Chief Financial Officer, Roland Khin, due to ill-health, has resigned and passed the baton to Lucy Chen. Roland’s knowledge of accounting policy and practice will be sorely missed, but Lucy has business experience and we are confident that the Foundation’s finances will continue to be properly monitored and controlled. In Burma itself, the Foundation’s accounts in Burmese Kyats are in the capable hands of Aye Aye and Thiri Mar, as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of the Foundation’s Yangon Committee. In Burma, also, Johnny Saing has passed the chief co-ordinating role to Selwyn Saw Wynn, although he, like Harry, stays on as a Trustee. We have also been joined by Cecilia Saw Saw Win, another younger alumnus.

Our prime function continues to be the provision of scholarships to descendants of alumni. We started 2012 with 5 scholarship students, 4 in basic school education and one at university. During the year we added another basic education student, and another student taking a university correspondence course, making a current total of 7 scholarships. Students still at school had been receiving Kyats 10,000 a month, for 10 months each year, but we have now increased that amount to K 15,000 monthly. Scholarships for full-time university students have been paid at K 30,000 a month, again for the 10 academic months each year, with correspondence course students getting K 25, monthly. These amounts are under review because of the rising costs of higher education.

As a new development, the Trustees have also decided to make an Achievement Award, of a one-off K 300,000, to the student, child or grandchild of alumni who gets the highest aggregate marks in the annual Matriculation examination. In November 2012 the Yangon Working Committee was delighted to announce that May Thet Zaw, with an aggregate 522 marks, was the first recipient of the new award, which we hope will provide a great incentive to other descendants of our old schoolmates to study even harder during their Matriculation year.

Sadly, we also have to report that two of our earlier university students failed the previous year’s final examinations, and those scholarships have been suspended. They will, however, be reinstated if and when a pass is achieved. On the positive side, two of our school students passed the Matriculation examination, one of them with 2 distinctions, and both will be going on to university with our continued support. We wish all of them well in their studies, while advertisements continue to publicise the availability of multi-year scholarships, and the new Achievement Award.

The Foundation’s accounts are healthy. We started 2012 with K 3,321,042 and interest on banked funds came to K 184,986. Disbursements on scholarships came to K 900,000 leaving an end-of-year balance of K 2,606,028. In addition we carried over 150,000 Thai Bahts, and US$ 16,136 which attracted a little interest. Because of the adequate funds held in Burma in Kyats, which were augmented by an unexpected but very welcome donation of $2000 from the Htoo Foundation (persuaded by Trustee Edwin Tut!), and which was converted into Kyats, there was no need to transfer any overseas funds to Burma. The position will be kept under review.

Now turning to the school Reunion held over January 5th and 6th 2013, I am very pleased to be able to say it was, without any shadow of doubt, one of the most successful of all the Reunions. 507 alumni and 94 of their family and friends attended over the 2 days, far outstripping even the memorable Reunions held in Thailand and organised by Edwin. Although, strictly speaking, it fell outside the 2012 calendar year, the event was so enjoyable and so close to year end that we must, I feel, report on its highlights.

It was an inspired decision to hold the first day’s events in the old school building, and we must thank the organisers for their “friendly persuasion” – in the words of the old Pat Boone song – of the school authorities to allow us to use it. The rush to register on Day 1 was amazing, with hundreds crowding the entrance, and I don’t know how the organisers managed to get everyone through the doors in time for the start. In addition to the many events held in the school hall, there were games afterwards, notably “htoke – si-hto”, and a very moving service and hymns in the Methodist church next door, where the school first started after WWII in 1947. For me it brought back a flood of memories.

But even more were to attend the second day’s dinner at the Royal Garden Restaurant, with a huge and unexpected rush from those who had heard that Aung San Suu Kyi was to attend. The restaurant’s side doors and verandah had to be opened, and extra tables laid, in a hurry. And no one was disappointed. The Lady made her appearance, as scheduled, and received the “Most Distinguished Alumnus” for 2013 award, paid for by anonymous Trustees but made in the name of the Foundation. Suu Suu’s keynote speech, about improving education standards in Burma, echoed the principles on which the Foundation is based, and with The Lady’s continued support we Trustees are quietly confident that the Foundation’s role in helping the education, and therefore future, of descendants of our old schoolmates will continue for many years to come.

Various items were donated for auction during the evening, including a portrait of The Lady, with the proceeds being allocated in accordance with the wishes of the donors. We truly appreciate the generosity of all alumni who contributed to this fund-raising activity. In the next Annual Report we will detail the funds received from the auction, as well as the profit from the sale of the MEHS and Dagon No 1 emblem coins commemorating the 2013 Reunion – a very good idea from Edwin Tut and alumnus David Law.

We are also indebted to those who, through the years, have kept the memory of our MEHS alive and who, through their efforts, made the vision of a scholarship fund a reality. To recognise this, again funded by a small number of Trustees personally and at no cost to Foundation funds, awards were presented to Harry Taw, to Johnny Saing on behalf of all those in Burma who have been vital to the success of the Foundation, and also to Tommy Htay, Gloria Win Thein and U Thaw Kaung.

In closing this Report, and at the risk of repeating my connection of the Foundation to school Reunions, in January the decision was taken to hold the next Reunion in Rangoon again in 2015. Following that decision, and quite probably because many alumni cannot wait that long to see each other again, another MEHS Reunion will be held in Hawaii over 6th and 7th September 2014. We Trustees certainly hope that those who attend will put their surplus dollars into the Foundation box, and for that I trust that all who can, do go. Otherwise, on behalf of the Foundation, I look forward to seeing all of you again in Rangoon in 2015.

Marina (Pereira) Gaudoin
August, 2013

Contact us at: me************@ao*.com
Posted: September 19, 2013

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[tab title=”2013″]

(7/2013) M.E.H.S. Memorial Foundation Meeting Minutes

Venue: Doreen Restaurant
Time: 09:30
Date: 28th July, 2013 (Sunday)
Place: Yangon, Myanmar

Approval: The (7/2013) Meeting Minutes was discussed and unanimously approved by the attendees on 25th August, 2013 (Sunday) meeting.
Discussions & Decisions of (7/2013) meeting
Discussion: Organizational Structure
Julia Win brought to attention the email request from Edwin, which suggested 2 options related to organizational structure of MEHS Memorial Fund Yangon Working Committee.
Johnny Saing and Julia Win as President and Vice President of the 6th MEHS Reunion Organizing Committee should retain title as such and support Education activities, or
Officially register MEOSA and President, Vice President and Secretary of MEOSA to guide the activities.
Both options were considered unsuitable and message will be conveyed to Edwin.
First option is not valid as Johnny Saing is not the President of the 6th MEHS Reunion Organizing Committee, he was representing Clement Tin Htut. Julia Win is not a member of the Committee, she provided assistance to Johnny and the team on voluntary basis. The Organizing Committee will be dissolved after all issues related to 6th MEHS International Reunion has been addressed.
Second option. The issue of officially registering MEOSA is a long standing issue. It is considered not worthwhile to register MEOSA nor (MEHS Memorial Foundation Yangon Working Committee), as it requires a lengthy process, expenses, fees and also the process has to be done in Naypyidaw.
Johnny mentioned that Trustees are appointed by the MEHS Memorial Foundation. In the case of MEHS Memorial Foundation Yangon Working Committee, the opinion of members are that it is an independent working committee and need to appoint President, Vice President and Secretary, as a standard way of working for social development.

Discussion: Fund raising and Annual report
Auction: The list of items sold at Auction at the 6th MEHS International reunion and the price of each item was prepared by Johnny Saing and shared with all members. Total Funds raised for Education is $1380 and Funds raised for Health Care is $760.
Sales of Coin: Edwin has the information related to production of coins and funds raised from sales of coin at the 6th MEHS International reunion by Cecilia.
Local donations: Ruby Kyaw Sein on behalf of Roland Khin donated kyats 4 million for MEHS Memorial Foundation Education Fund and kyats 1 million for MEHS Health Care Fund Yangon.
Johnny Saing will inform Marina on Funds raised for Education at the Auction which is $1380, which will be used for Scholarships. This information is requested to be included in the 2012 MEHS Memorial Foundation Annual report. Johnny will also inform Marina to contact Edwin to obtain information of funds raised from sales of coins.

Discussion: Scholarships
The list of scholarships students and funds issued was distributed by Johnny.
Albert Ohn Khin presented 2 magazines Thamaga dated 15 July 2013 and Popular dated 18 July 2013 where there were articles for inviting application for scholarships and Achievement award.
Ks.45,000 was issued for Pyu Pyu Thaw 7th standard student in Naypyidaw.
Mary Thein Han Education sub-committee member requested all available information regarding scholarship students and scholarship funds disbursed.
Johnny will inform Marina, the information on scholarships as required for the MEHS Memorial Foundation Annual report 2012. JW will provide some information to Mary.

Discussion: Annual Lunch
Henry Lee mentioned that Royal garden Restaurant has been selected as the venue for the annual lunch. For the menu, Henry will discuss further with the restaurant.
A committee is proposed to plan out activities for the Lunch occasion. Members are Nyunt Nyunt, Peter Kyaw Htoon, Saw Wynn, Albert Ohn Khin, San San, Thiri Mar and Aye Aye.
Henry will take care of the venue and menu. The members of the committee will plan and activities for that day, including entertainment programme.

Discussion: Health Care Fund
The need for a Sub-Committee for Health Care Fund was discussed. The purpose was to strenghten and follow up of activities.
The attendees of the meeting unanimously decided to form Health Care Fund and proposed members; Lilian Thar Gyaw, Htay Shwe Tha, Ruby Kyaw Sein, Albert Ohn Khin, Rosalin Wun, San San, Peggy Kyin.

Discussion: Paying Respect to Teachers
There are 11 teachers (the list will be provided by San San). Johnny and a team of alumni will arrange to visit them and make offering of Ks. 50,000 each during the period from now to Thadingyut. This donation is contributed by Roland Khin kyats 30,000 and Johnny Saing Ks. 20,000 for each teacher.
The plan to visit teacher will be worked out by committee members and implemented before Thadingyut.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Recorded by
(Julia Win)
Acting Secretary

Posted: September 1, 2013

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[tab title=”2014″]

MEHS Memorial Foundation—Report for 2013 and 2014

The Annual Report for 2012 touched on the MEHS reunion held in Yangon in January 2013, and apart from that memorable and momentous event, at which significant funds for the Foundation were raised, 2013 was very much a consolidation year. Since there was not much new information to impart, we Trustees decided to miss a Report for that year.

2014 proceeded in similar fashion. A tentative proposal to extend the Foundation’s activities to the establishment of a new school, based on the ethos and practices of our old Methodist English High School, was considered by Trustees, and the Yangon Working Committee, who carry out all our activities on the ground, but it had to be rejected because of the huge cost, and effort, that would be required.

At the start of 2013 we had quite adequate funds for our scholarship commitments. Kyats 2,606,028 held in Yangon, Thai Bahts 150,000 held by Trustee Edwin Tut, and US$ 17,383 in our accounts in the USA controlled by our President Tommy Htay and Chief Financial Officer Lucy Chen. Our Kyat finances are in the control of Trustee Johnny Saing. During 2013 and 2014 donations of Kyats 6,987,860 were received, of which Kyats 811,060 came as a direct result of the 2013 Reunion, while very generous donations of US$ 2000 (converted into Kyats 1,870,000) came from the Htoo Foundation, whose CEO is Geoffrey Mya Han (Class of 1968), and Kyats 4,000,000 contributed by our now-retired Chief Financial Officer Roland Khin. There were other donations as well, and our accounts also gained Kyats 1,070,919 in interest on our balances.

The Foundation’s US$ account increased to $32,583 by the end of 2014, of which $6,100 was the 2013 Reunion contribution, $3000 was a repayment of an advance made to help start the 2013 fund-raising event, and $6,200 came from the decision to convert the Thai Bahts into US dollars. Because of the adequate Kyat funds held, there was no need to remit any dollars to Yangon. The position is kept under continuous review.

Our scholarship student numbers continue to grow, albeit at a slower rate than we would like, despite ongoing advertisement for applications. We started 2013 with 7 students, 5 at school and 2 at university. During the two years we accepted applications from 8 more school students, and 1 from university, but we lost two of our university scholarship students. One did not take up the offer, while another left to join the merchant marine. This brought our end-of-2014 numbers to 12 school students and only one at University. Each school student currently receives Kyats 150,000 a year, with a university scholarship worth Kyats 400,000 a year. After scholarship payments, at the end of 2014 our account held a balance of Kyats 7,541,657, plus the US$ 32,583 mentioned above.

The experiment started in 2012/13, of giving a one-off scholarship award of Kyats 300,000 to the student descendants of alumni or MEHS staff who meet a set high standard of aggregate marks in the Matriculation examination continues to be available and our first such award for 2012/2013 was followed by another in 2013/2014. General scholarships, as well as the one-off awards are advertised, for example in the local “Thamaga” and “Popular” magazines. We Trustees continue to see our scholarships and awards as an incentive for students to work harder, and of benefit not just to those students but also to the wider community, as it is in the national interest that students achieve their maximum potential.

I am also glad to report that the Trustees in Burma, and YWC members, continue to ensure that scholarship students are genuine and deserving descendants of MEHS alumni or staff. All disbursements are made personally, and receipts obtained, ensuring that the Foundation’s objectives are met in full, with a proper audit trail. Their diligence and efforts on behalf of the Foundation are much appreciated.

As have said before, the Foundation’s success is closely linked with the school Reunions held periodically. In July 2014 one was held in Hawaii, and on 17th January 2015 another, and naturally much larger, gathering took place in Yangon. As always, they were opportunities for alumni to maintain and renew relations developed over the years, and to recall the debt we all owe our old school. Any contributions to the Foundation’s finances resulting from those events will be detailed in the next Report.

In January, the decision was taken to hold the next Reunion in Malaysia in 2016. As it will be in a fellow ASEAN nation we trust that many alumni from Myanmar will be able to attend and, since this will be the first such Reunion in Malaysia, that many alumni from further afield will also find it an attractive destination. Not just for the Reunion, but also for a more general vacation. We Trustees certainly hope so, and look forward to meeting you again. The date and venue have been set for 20th and 21st February 2016, in Putrajaya, Malaysia’s new administrative centre. Do keep an eye on the website, so generously maintained by Kenny Teoh, for all the details.

Marina (Pereira) Gaudoin
June, 2015

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Posted: June 10, 2015

[tab title=”2015″]


Dear Friends.

I would like to briefly share with you, the activities implemented jointly by the MEHS Memorial Foundation and the MEHS Memorial Foundation Yangon Working Committee members, in collaboration and /or participation of MEHS alumni worldwide.


·      To support & encourage children to do well in their studies, 3 activities.


1)    Scholarships, given to sons and daughters of MEHS alumni who applied for education grant, and grand sons and daughters of MEHS old school staff.

At present there are (8) BEHS students and (2) University students.


2)    ” Achievement Award”  together  with a cash grant of ks 300,000/- is given to the son/daughter of MEHS alumnus who passed with at least (5) D’s and who obtained highest marks among the applicants. (by MEHS Memorial Foundation)


3)    ” Out Standing Award” is provided to the son/daughter of MEHS alumnus who become second runner up.  This is by the private arrangement of Alumni well wishers.


·      Welfare Support  –   This is provided in the form of social visits and cash support to therapy when alumni is admitted to hospital or suffering from chronic disease.


If we get information of a sad event, condolence messages with Floral (or) Thingan is sent to the bereaved family of MEHS alumni.


·      Meetings and Reunions, very important and we thank all the participants


(1) YWC Monthly meeting are being held since several years ago on every last Sunday of the month to arrange scholarship payment, sharing information of welfare activities and planning Annual Events and Relief activities as the need arises, example flood relief.


(2) MEHS Memorial Foundation Annual Lunch is organizing yearly in order to warm up the MEHS Spirit and Friendship with sentimental feeling and to create opportunity to meet each other having joy and fun. More over to make a bridge between seniors and juniors alumni to relay the flag.


(3) MEHS Alumni International Reunions are also organizing in different countries every alternate years.The 9th International Reunion was successfully held at Malaysia in February this year.

And, Last but not the least, I would like to inform you that the 10th International Reunion  will be planned and conducted  in Myanmar in 2018.  Thank you for your attention.


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