(Nurse) Daw Julie |
![]() What I could not see was that the bat had splintered and was spinning directly behind the line of sight of the ball. Smack! – the Ball slapped into my Mitt and Whack! the Blunt or Club end of the Bat hit me on the head just in front of my Right Ear, opening it. If the Jagged end had hit I would not perhaps be telling you this story. Blood poured out and if its flow had not been staunched and if Nurse Julie who had actually done the stitching, because Dr. Subramaniam was not available in Hospital at Corner of York Road, had not done such a good job, the same as mentioned in the above-mentioned sentence may have been the outcome. One does not forget when one’s life has been hanging by a thread, and one does not forget one’s Saviours… and still have the Scar to ‘never Forget the incident’. Dr. (Miss) Rhoda Linton also recalls this incident, as I was in one of the lead roles in the Play “Our Town”, which Miss Linton was Directing at the time, at B.A.T.S (Burma America Teenage Society or B.A.T.S.), ironic, as it was a BAT that almost killed me. What a coincidence – hence, the ‘Bat’ Incident, I carried the Dressing over my right ear from the Cradle to the Grave in through the three phases my Stage Lifetime, in that play. Dr. Rhoda Linton & I reminisced, talking about this situation, when we met at 2008 MEHS Reunion, in Bangkok. God Bless You and thank you Nurse JULIE, again for what you did – Saving My Life! With Deep Gratitude, |
One reply on “About Daw Julie Frassenges”
My EXCELLENT Memories of ‘Nurse Julie’ …..
The Methodist English Dagon1 High School [MEHS D1], “Nurse Julie”, has been and will be remembered as our Myanmar, Yangon, ‘Julie Nightingale’, for being ‘THERE’ for us, when each of us has ‘NOT BEEN WELL’, as a Student, at MEHS D1.
I remember the VERY CLEAN, HYGIENIC and BRIGHT PATIENTS’ ROOM, near The Large Soccer Field, with Nurse Julie, wearing her White Cap & Top and Red Longyee, Nurse Uniform.
During my 13 years, from Nursery to MEHS D1 High School Matriculation, I have seen Nurse Julie for less than 6 times. I remember taking a dose of a ‘Red Color Medicine’ or 1 Teaspoon of Antibiotics, each time and a Short Bed-Rest, at The Patients’ Room, for the inflammation of my Tonsils, which have been REMOVED, by an EXCELLENT Surgeon, at The Yangon General Hospital, since I have been 12 years old.
THANKS! for our Doctors and Nurses (Nurse Julie), who have taken care of our Health and Lives, each day.
May GOD be with you and your Family.
Lois Jane ‘Terex’ Lee @
Myint Myint Yee @
Lee Chin Wren Aha Ngwe
Emailed On: 09/22/2013 @ 08:15 pm
NOTE: I relate Nurse Julie with Health Care. HOWEVER, Daw Julie Fressanges’ Name has been LISTED among MEHS Teachers, so that I am able to RECOGNIZE Nurse Julie’s Name today, to write my Comments.
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