About Mrs. Hein Tin

Mrs. Hein Tin
You and other old students might be interested in the well being of Mrs. Ho and Mrs. Hein Tin, both of who are now in their mid eighties.Mrs. Ho, the eldest has battled breast cancer over the years and has miraculously survived well. She now has difficulty in walking but I am told that her mind and memory is alert and sharp as ever.
Mrs. Hein Tin, however, is not in such good shape physically and mentally. She has Parkinson’s disease, has cataracts/glaucoma in both eyes and suffers from acute deafness.

I last saw them in Rangoon in March last year and they always perk up when reminiscing about their past naughty and “more docile” pupils and the joy they derived out of teaching and seeing the generations leaving and hearing about their progress.

Postcards, letters, Christmas cards, photographs from ex-pupils always cheer them up. Their addresses are:

Mrs. Agnes Ho(Daw Thein Myint)
38A Bawdi Yeiktha Than Lwin Rd., (Windermere)
Yangon, Myanmar

Mrs. Lily Hein Tin(Daw Thein Nu)
93 Old Yedashe Road
Bahan P.O.
Yangon, Myanmar

Vivian Lee
May 13, 1999

6 replies on “About Mrs. Hein Tin”

I saw Mrs. Hein Tin when I went home for a visit. I think I took a picture of her. She is getting old and is starting to have Alzermiers. She remembered Jimmy and me after a while. I don’t have her address but will try and get it for anyone who wants it. I did see Melvin and Delphine Hein Tin at one of the Reunions.
Unfortunately I never got to see Mrs. Ho but I heard she has some form of Cancer.

Gloria WinThein
May 14, 1999

Mrs. Hein Tin was a geography teacher for the GCE students, and a home room teacher of Standard IX. Because of her excellent geography teachings, I owe her a lot, as this is the only area of TRIVIA PURSUIT that I can take pride in providing some answers.
Juliet Teoh
May 25, 1999

I am so very sorry to read that Mrs. Hein Tin passed away on 8/24/2001. She was my CLASSROOM TEACHER for STD X. She was also the Teacher for my Geography Classes.

I remember learning and studying World Geography and The Local Geography Of Burma. I remember DRAWING MAPS on the blackboard with white and colored chaulks prior to a Geography class.

I remember my Geography classes when I listen, read or watch ‘The Weather Programs’ each day OR when I travel.

I was one of the classmate of Suzan Hein Tin. My younger brother, Owen, was one of the classmate of Candy Hein Tin.

I want to say, “THANKS!!!”. for letting me become ‘Head Of The Class’ STD I to STD X at The MEHS, Yangon, Myanmar.

My fondest memories to Mrs. Hein Tin and her sister, Mrs. Ho, and BEST wishes their Families.

Lois Jane ‘Terex’ Lee (a)
Myint Myint Yee (a)
Lee Wren Ahar Ngwee Chin
February 22, 2004

This out of Absolute Respect and Love, and as a Tribute for the Late Great Mrs. Hein Tin – Geography Teacher MEHS.

At the 1962 MEHS Fun Fair, I won two “Free Ice Creams from the Ice-Cream Stall”. The Stall was being run by none other than my Respected Geography Teacher. When I went to claim them, Mrs. Hein Tin advised me that she would not give the ice Creams to me till I returned with my “Girl-Friend” and Kissed her in Front of Mrs. Hein Tin.

Ah Ha! – What did I do? I then asked the Delightful Delphine to accompany me to the Ice Cream Stall. Not telling her why !!

I advised Mrs. Hein Tin that I had now the right to claim my Ice Creams and out of respect for both Mrs. Hein Tin, I kissed Delphine lightly on the cheek in front of her mum.

For the first time, in my life I saw Mrs. Hein Tin, our Respected Geography Teacher being at “at a Total Loss for Words”, stunned,… the best part was Mrs. Hein Tin could not do anything as I was only, ‘adhering to her instructions, Following them to the Letter.

I then took the ice Creams, gave Delphine one and walked away,…….laughing !!! Delphine remembers the incident, we (Delphine, Rosebud, Melvin and I) talked all about it and reminisced, after the morning Session of Reunion2008.

Which is why I address Delphine as My Ice Cream Princess.

Thank you, Mrs. Hein Tin & Delphine, …… you have left me with the memory I will long cherish.


Cecil L. W. Wagstaff
February 16, 2008

I have just been reading comments about the life of Mrs. Hein Tin and add this anecdote of treasured memory. Maybe we could compile a book of such great teachers.

Mrs. Hein Tin had a tremendous ability to spot any boy or girl not paying attention and on one such occasion she startled me out of my day dreams. “Cedric Sharp, tell me who were the first two people to conquer Mount Everest”. Seeing her penetrating eyes and being a little alarmed, I stood up and (quite innocently on this occasion) became rather tongue-tied and responded: “HILLARY AND HEIN TIN” (instead of TEIN SING). The class exploded with laughter but on this occasion dear Mrs. Hein Tin did not see the funny side at all and made an appointment for me to be kept-in the following day for three hours!

Cedric Sharp
May 14, 2009

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