About Mrs. Constance Medd

Mrs. Constance Medd

With My Respectful Gratitude to the Late Great Mrs. Constance Medd – Senior French Teacher M.E.H.S., for what Mrs. Medd has taught me.

Mrs. Medd was also instrumental in making me take-over as Teacher for the Fifth Standard French Class at MEHS when Saya Bachoe, Junior French Teacher, took ill, thereby bestowing me with the honour of being both a student and a teacher at our Dear Old M.E.H.S., albeit only till the end of that term and the exams.

I am proud to say they all passed and I did not correct and mark the exam papers, Mrs. Medd did this.

Mrs. Medd, I.O.U. heaps, and would never have be able to repay you for what you did for me.

Without French, I would never have got my first Job in Air France which led to sooooooooo many exciting and worthwhile opportunities and has taken me to every Capital City in the world, I have wished to visit and some I visited anyway, and to the High Himalayan & Karakoram Mountains and Islands of the world too, in the all it’s far flung corners.

Thank You So Much



June 4, 2008

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