10th International Reunion Yangon 2018 – Program

20th January, 2018 (Saturday)

09:00 am: “Saya Kadaw Bwe” of (1954-1980) MEHS students

Place: BEHS Assembly Hall

(The senior alumni can attend “Saya Kadaw Bwe” as observers)

06:00 pm: 10th International M.E.H.S Alumni Reunion Event with Buffet Dinner

Place: Sedona Hotel Grand Ball Room
No.1, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township,Yangon,Myanmar
Tel: 951-8605377


Pre-Reunion Social Gathering

Place: Sailing Club (Inya Road)
Date: Friday, January 19th
Time: 6:00 pm onwards (Walk In)
There will be music, snacks, food and drinks
Contact: Charlie Aung Win 095008750

Registration Procedure:
  • Fee: $50.00 (Kyats 50,000.00)
  • There won’t be an Early Bird Fee
  • The last date to purchase dinner tickets is January 12, 2018
  • There won’t be any on-site registration for the dinner event

IMPORTANT: After you have registered please check the “Registered Alumni List” in two or three days to see if you are on the list to confirm your registration. If you are not on the list please contact the webmaster at we*******@me***.org.

Note: Registration for the reunion event is not the same as registration for the MEHSA website. To register to the MEHSA website, please select “Register” in the home page.