Mrs. Elaine Quinn

Mrs. Elaine Quinn
My Uncle, Sawbwa of North Hsenwi State {6000 sq. miles, the size of Wales} had no heirs, so he adopted his nephew, son of his younger brother and me, daughter of his older sister when we were babies, with much pomp and ceremony. We grew up as Thadaw and Thamedaw of North Hsenwi State. We were sent as boarders to St. Agnes’s Convent in Kalaw for 10 months of the year till 1941. We survived the Japanese Occupation. We were arrested by the retreating Japanese but released. They told us we were proud.. Proud? We were terrified of them. I taught for three years in the Maymyo Convent and 2 years in a little school in Rangoon {handling stds 1, 2 and 3} Teachers were in such great demand that anyone who had a good command of English was roped in to teach. After a year at MEHS I did a quick course in Teaching and got a distinction in the Exam, so I was kept on. Just for the record, my husband Frank and I were the only representatives of MEHS at Mrs.Logie’s funeral.

Mrs. Elaine Quinn
July 13, 2011

One reply on “Mrs. Elaine Quinn”

A perhaps little known Fact: Daw Elaine Quinn attended three consecutive MEHS Reunions 2008 in Bangkok, 2010 in Pattay, and now 2011 in Las Vegas. I am also advised that our respected Teacher was in attandance at MEHS Reunion 2001 in England, but I did not attend this. What Dedication to us students, what an Honour! Thank you so much for attending, and we hope to see you at Yangon in 2013.

Cecil L.W. Wagstaff
September 11, 2011

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