Mrs. May Rogers

As many MEHS Alumni will remember, when one passed the Final Exam in Std. 7 before going to go to Std. 8, a major decision needed to be made

When Sayama Rogers asked me “which path I was going to follow’ I responded “Science”
Sayayama then asked ‘WHY’ adding that she was disappointed

My response was: Mrs. Rogers I Hate History, it is the past like Latin perhaps a Dead Language ….but I Love your beautiful daughter, Christine (who was aso a teacher at MEHS)
Her Reaction was to give me a Playful Smack with her comment: WAGSTaFF. One cannot build one’s future if we do not know our past and where we came from. You Men will Improve, you are Loveable RASCALS (this title also seems to have stuck to me at MEHS)

Mrs. Rogers has got the Last though, and was absolutely right (as always)
From 1994 I was personally involved in the organising and escorting Many Australian Government’s Major Pilgrimages/Commemorations WW1 & WW2 to Galipolli & The Western Front (France & Flandres), to Singapore (75th. Anniversary of the Fall of SIN to Japanese Forces was only recently, and Changi Prison/The Death March Sandakan, Borneo to Labuan and the Japanese Surrender on Labuan Island / Mentok Isalnd in Indonesia and slaughter of Ausralian Nurses by the Japanes/Berlin/Anniversary Commemorations of the End of WW2 in London/Hellfire Pass, The Burma Death Railway acros The River Kwai at Kanchanapuri, Thailand, which have given me some Aesome Memories and some WagstaffFamily Involvement in these conflicts, History

Mrs Rogers,
Yes indeed, You were absolutely correct, so ’Thank You’, what an indelible, unforgettable Repertire Memory you have given me
I doff my hat to you


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