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Gathering in Australia

MEHSA Gathering in Australia-Sept, 2019
Pic R. john Cronin (a.k.a Turner), Cecil Wagstaff (a.k.a. MEHS Bayoke or Larrikin) Edward Gonsalves (a.k.a. Turner)  & U Tin Aung Cho


MEHS Mates will always contact each other
Whether neighbours ….and…where ?
From Melbourne, Canberra, Indiana and again Canberra
Which as you see are near and also really far
Braving Long distance Travel – with No Fear or Care
Yes, indeed ……from Here, There and Everywhere

Apart, since our respective Graduations
Has taken us all,  to Many Nations
USA,  Australia  to name only two
I could add many more BUT there are quite a few
The  List would go on forever
As The Tyrannies of Time and Distance could never conquer

Ship Ahoy,  Ahoy, there Matey or Yo Ho Ho, 

In sailing  parlane ..At My Canberra Yacht Club
WE are in a Landlocked Capital,…but can still enjoy a Row or a Sail
Raise or Hoist the Anchor
 Going For’ ward, when  the Wind blows stronger
Jibing & Tacking and working the Mainsail
Keep an eye on the attached Painter….attached  your Tail
Sharpies, and Dinghies, Kayaks …or  any kind ‘a’ Tub

The Bonds first formed  By Our Respected Teachers, in all of us at MEHS
The Values they instilled in us  = the Very Best
REALLY……….?? Did they put you through the “True Friends” Test
Yes, indeed, YES, YES, YES
Three Cheers for our Dear ‘Ole MEHS