MEHS Notalgia Posts Reflections

THE HAND OF FRIENDSHIP FROM A STRANGER, in The Australia Outback (Broken Hill N.S.W ) by Cecil Wagstaff

 My TRUE Story:

I arrived at BHQ Airport on a Flight from Adelaide to connect to SYD with several (six) hours to wait for my onward flight 

I was in the Airport Waiting Area reading, when a gentleman approached me.

He advised me that it was customary to close the Airport as no one was there till an hour before my SYD Flight Departure

He was operating the Helicopter which was taking a Nurse further into the Outback, and would not return till very much later that evening. 

He also owned and operated of Café at the Airport, which was also closing for the time 


He asked me what I would do.

I said, having no choice I would just have to wait outside the locked Airport. 


He then tossed a Bunch of Keys to me and said, there is my Ute (Aussie Term for a Car with a Flat tray at the Back like a mini-Truck) parked at the back…….take it and drive around town), as it is worth visiting 

The Mine is right down the Middle of the Town which is divided by it, in a massive Hill, on both sides . …….and worth visiting

The Railway Museum is worth a visit as was the Tourist Centre , The RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service, the Pro Hart Art Gallery, and other places of Interest including a spectacular Monument to Miners who lost their lives.


The Buildings are early Federation (1901)

I was astounded at this….he did not know me from a Bar of Soap….and I said this……..!!!!!!

I got looks of many of the Townsfolk…………..and knew why !


When I asked where I could refuel the Ute before returning it to where it was…he said, please do NOT bother…..see that Petrol Pump just inside the Airport Perimeter, 

I own the Petrol Distribution for  BHQ, just leave the Ute where you found it with Keys in the Vehicle

I had a great time, driving around with folk looking at the Stranger Driver,  knowing it was not the owner who was well known to them

That is true Country Hospitality in the Outback…..Unbelievable, perhaps  but every word is true….I have experienced it personally…………………..Only in Australia !!!!!!

Would this happen in the anywhere else ?……..YES, AT MEHS

Many of us have never met each other personally or during our School Days……but we have extended our hands in Friendship across The World via MEHS and this Website

By Myo

Myo Thant aka Michael Tin Hla during my MEHS years graduated in 1964. After graduation, I completed my medical school before I left for US. Currently, I reside in Maryland, retired from my hematology/oncology clinical practice but works at VA Hematology/Oncology clinic part time. My house at MEHS was Judson and I am proud to be a green martian.