Robert Fuller was a science master at MEHS from January, 1959 until August, 1961. Since returning from Burma, Mr. Fuller obtained a PhD in physics and has been on the faculty of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln since 1969. During the academic year 1999-2000, he was a visiting professor in the physics department of the US Military Academy in West Point, NY. His primary task was teaching general physics to the cadets at the USMA. At the end of the year there he was awarded the Commander’s Medal for Public Service. Dr. Fuller is now back at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, (See Alumni Directory for his e-mail address.) |
3 replies on “About Dr. Robert Fuller”
Dr. Robert Fuller or as he was known in those days, as our beloved ‘Master Robert Fuller’ M.E.H.S Physics and German Teacher, Par Excellence!
I still recall the Multiple Choice answers Test just before we broke for the December Christmas Holidays where the Correct answers spelt HAPPY X’MAS.
Master Robert Fuller This photo taken without his prior knowledge and as a Candid Camera type of photograph, with Dr. Robert Fuller ‘in full flight’, educating us ‘Dummies’ and using his standard ‘Catch Cry’, at the end of every German Class …… ‘Haben Sie eine frage?’ or ‘Do you have a question?’ und mit meine danke, auch, ich habe von sie, meine Deutsche gelernt.
Cecil Wagstaff
Last update: June 30, 2008
Thank you soooo much for attending MEHS REunion 2011, Sayagyi Fuller,……. and it was a pleasure reminscing about our Softball Team Escapades. Again, I must reconfirm and repeat that I DID learn my German from you, as I could not have learnt it elsewhere. That just goes to show what an excellent teacher you are as you told me you only learnt German for other reasons than ‘Teaching’ Danke/Chay Zu Tin Ba Dair/ Thank You, for everything.
Cecil L.W. Wagstaff
Last update: September 11, 2011
Dr. Robert Fuller passed away on April 9, 2012.
Last update: September 26, 2013