Blogs Posts

Ma Htin Mya Nwe’s 2018 High School Matriculation Examination Academic Achievement.

D1MEHS Graduate, Ma Htin Mya Nwe’s 2018 High School Matriculation Examination Academic Achievement.

Dagon1 Basic Education High School (Dagon1 B.E.H.S) / former Methodist
English High School (M,.E.H.S.),OR, D1MEHS:

Thanks very much to our D1MEHS Alumni, Kenny Teoh, Cecil Wagstaff,
John Chen, and, many Others, for our EXCELLENT D1MEHS Website,, where our D1MEHS Community, our Families, and, Friends
can Share, Communicate, and, ‘Keep-In-Touch’, with each other. Please
Register, Log-in, and, Participate, at

On 09/17/2019, I have been able to read that, Ma Htin Mya Nwe has
obtained 1st Position (with 553 Total Grade Points), in The Myanmar,
Final, High School Matriculation Examination, held in June 2018. In
ADDITION, Ma Su Yee Wynn, Ma Su Nay Chae Moe, Ma Yamin Aung, and Ma Su
Myat Oo have held the Top 10 Positions, with Total Grade Points from
553 to 548.

We appreciate very much, our D1MEHS Graduates, for their Dedications,
Hardwork, and, Disciplines, toward their Education Goals. Thanks very
much to our Community Support Groups of Principals, Teachers,
Instructors, Administrative, Operations & Maintenance Staff, Families,
Friends, and, Others, who have contributed to our D1MEHS Successes.

An Awarding Ceremony for D1MEHS Outstanding Students was held on
11/11/2018, at the D1MEHS Assembly Hall at 09:00 am. MEHS Alumni
Society members: Dr. Nyunt Nyunt Yi @ Julia Win, U Saw Wynn @ Selwyn
Kyi Win, and, U Ye Myint @ Albert Ohn Khin were present, at The

The MEHS Memorial Foundation, Yangon, and, D1MEHA Alumni Society, each
contributed 500,000 MMK (5 Lakhs), Totaling 1,000,000 MMK (10 Lakhs).

Good Luck & Best Wishes,

Myint Myint Yee@
Miss Lois Jane Lee
Yangon, Myanmar.

DATE: 09/17/2019 @ 03:45 pm (EST, USA)

Submitted by Mis Lois Jane Lee

Announcements Blogs Posts

MEHS (Dagon 1) Student Stood First in 2018

Dagon (1) Student – Ma Htin Mya Nwe