MEHSA 2006 Reunion in L.A. | |
by Phyllis Aung Gine | |
They came flying in from all over the world, halfway across the continent, and also from across the nation. They are all bound for the great 2006 Reunion, which was set for July 2 – 3, 2006. Talk has been going around for a long time now and people are getting very anxious to be there, to be present where everyone who is anyone will be there, to be seen and to see. Some will be strutting around with their new spouses, some will be coming in troves, some will come to reacquaint themselves with old friends, and some will come to make new friends, but all are coming for the great 2006 High School Reunion of Methodist English High School that we had all waited for! In the Capitol City of Washington, D.C., Phyllis (Aung Gine) and Tommy Htay were making plans. We had a meeting to make sure that we get all the alumni in the greater Capitol Area of Metropolitan D.C. as well as the Alumni New Yorkers know about this great get together and make sure that all alumni in the East Coast will attend. In the Washington, D.C. area we got me, Tommy Htay, Esme Chan Tun, Jenny McKintosh (now Jenny Tun Aung), Bo Zaw Win & Jeannette, Marylin Smith, Glen Smith, Jean Ko Ko Gyi, Marjorie Htoon, Patricia Than Myaing, Hla Hla Myint, Douglas San Lin & Mya Dali, Kenneth Chit Myaing, Betty Than Tin, Tyrone Tha Doe, Bo Bo Kyaw Nyein, Richard Aye, Cynthia Aye & Tin Mg Thaw, Julian Taw, Clyde Ba Thein & Diana Aye and others. In New York, we have Eric Kay, Bo Lay, Johnny Yang, Brian Sein Tun, Edmund Aung Than, Michael Ohn Myint, Alexander Chu, Annette Myo Zin and still others. At first, some alumni were like, “I haven’t seen my classmates for over thirty plus years, I don’t know if anyone will recognize me or I will recognize them” but I was able to persuade them with “look, it will really be fun to check out those people from the website and see if they still look like when they were young” and I reminisced about the wonderful time we had at the U.K. Reunion in 2001. Don’t miss out on this one, I said, this’ll be the biggest Reunion ever, and you want to be part of this! That got them, and they came, although some people didn’t make it, like they promised to… So my own little group from my batch, class of ’66 got together and made plans and came. L.A., here we come! I took off on Friday, June 30th, and flew straight from my office to the airport as I did not want to waste anytime. My mother, Teacher Daw Tin Tin Sein had arrived a few days earlier and was staying with my brother Derek Aung Gine, in Los Angeles. At first Poppet Than Myaing decided not to come as she had a lot of activities going on, however, as the time grew near and the Reunion fever caught on, she couldn’t resist and said, “I am coming, I’m coming!” And she bought the ticket at the last minute and made it. The first day, I spent some time with my family, as Derek complained, “when you meet your friends you always go off with them and don’t come back,” which is true as my sister Rita also complained when I was back in Burma for the 2005 Reunion, I hardly ever stayed at home but gallivant around with all my friends that I haven’t seen for many years. This is what happens when you meet old school friends again after so many years. The second day, Dolly Khin Mg Mg, was hosting a “Class of 66 Party” at her house, and we were all going. But some of us hadn’t arrived yet, so Dolly, in her kind heartedness, went and picked up Poppet Than Myaing & her husband Victor as well as Annette Myo Zin at the airport. On the way back she also picked up Kitty Khoo & Harry Jan, and me, and we all went happily in her SUV, singing, laughing and making fun of each other all along the way until we reached our hostess’ house. One by one they came and I was surprised to see quite a bit of us were gathered here at Dolly’s house. Later, we called up Thomas Ong (in Hong Kong), who wanted to come but couldn’t make it, as he is now taking his third round of chemotherapy. We all told him how much we missed him and wished he were here, and took turns speaking to him, laughing, joking, and encouraging him until Danny Kay’s phone card ran out. As Dolly is a good cook, the food was great, but the company was greater still, so we ate, made jokes at each other, sang some MEHS songs that most of us know by heart and had so much fun, until midnight suddenly arrived. The party broke up after midnight, tired but very happy, thanks to our kind hostess Dolly, we all had a wonderful time. The next day was the Reunion Day! After Dolly’s party I went off with Winsome Aye Mg to stay at her lovely house in Thousand Oaks. That day, before the party, Winsome and I met the group from Dolly’s house, and went out to Long Beach, had lunch, then went around some more and came back to change and get ready for the Reunion. The Reunion was a great one, with almost 300 students attending, and the casual setting at the Country Club at Mesa Verde was wonderful, thanks to the California group of the MEHSA planning committee. Originally, we invited 14 teachers, who had wanted to come, but only 8 teachers made it, since some teachers were too old or not too well to make this long trip to the U.S. Those teachers who made it were: Daw Khin Khin Thein, Daw Myint Myint Sein, Daw Aye Than, Daw Tin Tin Sein (Mrs. Aung Gine), Dr. Bob Fuller, Ms. Elaine Quinn, Mr. George Teoh and Daw Khin Thein Chit (a) Gloria Hengshoon. All the teachers received a gift of $500 each, and the Organizing Committee in California decided that the surplus of the donation from the alumni, in the amount of $6,000 will be held for the Donation Fund to be distributed to the surviving teachers in Yangon in the near future. We all started arriving around 4:30 pm, and each Alumni gets a name badge with the color sticker of the House they belonged to, (e.g. green for Judson, yellow for Carey and so on). Alumnis also received a memento mug in maroon and gold, with the school logo displayed in the front and the motto at the back. Raffle tickets were sold at the entrance for prizes such as tickets for two, a flower arrangement gift, wine bottles and so on… The air was thick with conversations and shrieks of recognition as alumni after alumni arrived and more hugs and kisses followed. Then we had a social hour of getting together with friends, with some refreshments and hors d’oeuvres served. At 6:00 pm Benny Yeap gave a welcoming speech, he made an introduction of teachers and honored and thanked the teachers for coming. During this time, we were entertained with some Indian dances by Sheila Patail’s beautiful daughters and then the Burmese Candle Dance performed by Jannette Kamdar’s lovely daughter, followed with a belly dance, by another daughter. Then our guest speaker Dr. Robert Fuller made a speech. During dinner, Tommy Htay and Gloria Winthein made an honorable mention of the MEHSA Website contribution to Kenny Teoh for his tireless work of setting up and updating our official website. Kenny was awarded with a Crystal Plaque and a gift certificate for all the good work he has done. The dinner lasted with talks and the taking of the numerous photographs, and still more talks. Then we had some group sing-a-long led by Gloria Hengshoon singing songs that we all know by heart, such as Sarasponda, Vive L’Amour, and Zum Gali Gali, to be ended by our own Methodist English School Song, to which everyone stood up and sang with all their hearts. While dinner was going on, there was always music playing in the background, and pictures of the reunions in England and Burma, and school class photos as well as some memorable photos were displayed on a big screen behind the podium for all to enjoy and reminisce. Edwin Tin Htut and wife Tammy donated the beautiful MEHS banner which we displayed proudly behind the podium. When dinner was over, the dance music started to play and couples started to dance. We got some group pictures taken and before too long, it was 12:00 am, midnight! Edwin made a closing speech with the exciting announcement that the next 2008 Reunion will be held in Bangkok. We all went home, tired, but very, very, happy to be there with all the long lost friends. The next day, at the Mesa Verde Country Club, there was a brunch planned, and a lot of people showed up, but some took off for Las Vegas, and others took off in their own groups to savour the short time that we had left together, before heading back home. All in all, I believe the 2006 Reunion was a great success! Thanks to the organizing committee, we had a student participation of over 280, with a representation of alumni from countries such as Australia, Austria, Burma, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Cyprus, India, Malaysia, Malta, Thailand, United Kingdom and of course the good old USA. | |
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Category: Notalgia
Reflections to our days at M.E.H.S. | |
by Harry Taw, Cecil Wagstaff and Edwin Tin Tut | |
Our MEHS motto said, “Not for school but for life do we learn” and in truth, all through our school days we learnt not only our lessons, but under the stern eyes of our loving teachers we gathered the spiritual weapons of integrity, social behaviour, an awareness of civics and strength of character: weapons we would use all our lives and pass on to our children and grandchildren. When we entered the real-world life as adults, through these lessons of the heart taught by our teachers we were able to face adversaries and hardships. We struggled ahead with our spirits intact and strong. Modesty aside, you will agree that the majority of us, however badly we had behaved in school, have become successful members of our communities and of the modern world. Within our country expatriates often said that “You see anyone who is successful, smart and sophisticated and it always turns out to be someone from that school”… meaning, of course, dear old MEHS. Our MEHS’ motto was: “Not for school,for life do we learn”. We learned together, played together, competed against each other on sport fields and courts, as individuals and in teams… but again – together. But from college onward… we started to meet more new friends, many fell in love and married them, and many also married schoolmates from “OUR MEHS”. We learnt Life’s Values from OUR MEHS, one of these being that the bonds and friendships first made at school, can last a lifetime. If we have done this and keep it in our hearts and minds, continuously then we honour OUR MEHS. The MEHS motto says, “Not for school…” very modestly… We should now think OUR MEHS too… NOW! We made it! Thanks to OUR MEHS, to Our Beloved Principal and Teachers and all MEHS Staff. The School will welcome us when we do something “for the school”… Carry on the good work started by OUR MEHS -Education perhaps by helping someone who does, and not have, the opportunity we all had, without our help. So let us give back something to our school as a gesture of thanks for our principal, teachers and staff, as well as in memory of our friends who had been called by God, and also as a symbol of the love and friendship we share and will continue to share our whole lives. Let our friendship and solidarity allow a lamp to be lit for the younger generations who might not have the blessings we enjoy. Remember the joy we had in our school days without worries of any kind and let us pass on that same precious gift to worthy students. Please consider…… and, ‘watch this space’ for some of our “Ideas”…Contributing any Ideas you may have, please. Let’s join hands! Your Friends, Harry Taw, Cecil Wagstaff and Edwin Tin Tut |
Myanmar Names
by Edwin Aye Tut
Talking about names, I too have many Myanmar names since birth. Started with “Ni Tut” at birth and Mother’s given name became Khin Maung Aye. And about the same time, I was also called Maung Maung Aye which is better, so I was told, both being written in Myanmar alphabets, “above a line” as per astrological terms and beliefs. The family also call me “Edwin Tut” as my Father’s name was Tin Tut.
When I started school at MEHS in 1950, Edwin Tut was the name of the day and into life till this day, among friends who knew me by that name. I added to make it better.. as “Edwin Tin Tut”. Many asked if Clement Tin Tut and I are brothers. By the time the National Registration Cards programme started, I officially declared myself as “Aye Tut”. Taking my Sunday born name “Aye” with my Father’s name “Tut”.
I started my Merchant Ship sea going career in January 1963 as a Cadet and throughout this profession I have people who knew me as “Aye Tut” as well as another group of people, School friends, of course, who only knew me as “Edwin Tut”. I led two lives. Many knew me too as “Edwin Aye Tut” I led three lives. Myanmar will use the word “Maung” or “Ko” or “U (Oo)” in front of your Myanmar name, depending on age or position/rank. By the time I became an Officer, “U” stood in front of “Aye Tut”. Many addressed me as “U Aye Tut”, yet my Maritime seniors will still call me “Maung Aye Tut” and friends call me “Ko Aye Tut”. (Many older seamen have also “U” in front of their names).
My passport was issued as “U Aye Tut” and “U” became part of my name. First name became “U Aye” on Immigration cards or driving license or Certificates. At one time, in 1968, 24 of us Ship Officers and seamen were on a flight to join ship. At Rome Airport, the Immigration officer asked me if all of us are relatives as many of us have “U” in our names!! Took some time to explain to him, but anyway caught the flight on time to Tripoli, Libya!
When I became Master of the Ship, one can use the term “Captain” together with my name, like Doctors, so finally, I became “Captain U Aye Tut” to many around the world, and to my seniors and juniors and friends. (Only a few years back, Myanmar passports new applicants were issued without “U” but just the name.)
Last year, I met a childhood friend after 50 years, a British Doctor now, with a British accent and all. She called me “Maung Maung Aye” and hugged me. It was great to have that Childhood feeling. A good reflection for having to hear a name long lost and forgotten.
Many elderly relatives still call me as “Ni Tut” and I to myself as “Ni Tut” to them. These are the good values of life being a Myanmar. In western society, relations in business or work is always better when you address one another in first name terms. Every country I visited during my sailing days as Master of a ship or now, as a Shore based Marine Surveyor cum Consultant, I called foreigners at work, whom I have to deal with, in their first names. And not to make it difficult for them to pronounce my Myanmar name “U Aye Tut”, a Burman to live up in the ever challenging western world, I told them to call me by my first name. My first name is “Captain”.
“Not for School,but for life do we learn”. Proud to be an Alumni.
MEHS – Class of 64 | |
by Carol (Clift) Nelson with assistance from June (Rajh) Larden | |
Wow 44 years have passed Will our education last? Time will tell? So far we are all doing well Some memories fade But now all brought to the fore Lest ye forget, never more Wherever we are whatever we be MEHS we will remember thee We are, we are, the class of 64 Maths was Myat San, Henderson & Crane There were the “swots” Once a banana was eaten under the table When you were sick or full of woe Christmas plays were performed in season Some took work very seriously After 50 years, all these lessons learnt MEHS, MEHS | |
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By Tommy Htay |
For the first time in history, the ladies of the MEHSA took over the wheel and fielded the Fifth International Reunion with such feminine flair and aplomb that the menfolk there soaked in the tender loving care of the sisterhood of pantsuits, skirts and htameins like the veritable kids that they all became in spite of their greying and receding hairlines. What a crowning achievement for the principal players Lily Chen, Sally Joseph, Sheila Patail and, of course, our “Honorable” Mr. Treasurer William Chen! First, the ladies steered us to a hotbed of fairyland called ‘the Strip’ and turned it into a New York New York wielding their magic wand of charm, grace and ingenuity. The heat indices in Las Vegas during the two days of sultry July (18 and 19) seemed to have melted cooperatively as well, along with the willing hearts of some 140 alumni and 60 some guests, mostly spouses or significant others who were in attendance. Come to think of it, this success of the ladies is a no brainer. After all, the whole idea of MEHSA was hatched and brought to fruition by an illustrious alumna the late Juliet Teoh who was longingly given a fitting tribute for her exemplary dedication and drive at the opening ceremony. And, talk about tributes! The word tribute, in terms of the alumni of the Methodist English High School, is synonymous with the Teohs, a family of consummate civility and civic-mindedness from its dean and doyen Cecil Teoh, our President Emeritus of both Methodist English Old Students’ Association (MEOSA) and Methodist English High School Alumni Association (MEHSA), and Kenny, our unique Webmaster, down the line … to what alphabet? So loving and charming were the Teohs in our exclusive world of the MEHS alumni that everybody who spoke even for a minute in Vegas would glorify the clan by claiming himself to be a Teoh as well. The ladies of the Organizing Committee of 2011 had also seen to it that no stone was left unturned as far as giving thanks and tribute: Our alma mater, the volunteers, our teachers, Edwin Tut (who, for the last five years, true to his profession as a maritime captain, took us on a symbolic cruise of our school reunions’ fun and frolic), Harry Taw (who headed the Third and Fourth reunions in Thailand with a flourish), the MEHS Foundation, and the entire alumni that kept it going and who also made our international reunions enjoyable, meaningful and, at least momentarily, to be kids once more again – to go through “a rejuvenation process” – as one comely alumna put it, in an elevator on our way out. We all have heard about what is disparagingly said by menfolk such as “the wily ways of women”, right? Well, here I want to use it in the context of a tribute to our lady organizers of the 2011 reunion. They made this same expression good, I mean in a good sense, in making the 2011 venue “the Strip” somewhat realistically true by staging Mra Tun as an Elvis Impersonator. There was Mra, standing tall in a white embroidered outfit with an Elvis hairdo, slightly open-chested baring all that he could – sans chest hair and drooping male “boobs” – belting out staple Elvis songs making everyone feel and enjoy as if Elvis himself was there performing live. Bravo, Mra, with boobs and all! And, as if they sensed that we might conservatively feel that Mra was a bit on a sultry, saucy and seamy side (although we knew it was not even close, experienced as we all are), the ladies next attempted to “soft-soap” us with a beautiful rendition of traditional Burmese dance by one of them – a lovely Sheila Patail. How did we take it? Like suckers, we fell to their “wily ways” with a beaming smile by everyone present, of course! No offence, Sheila, my childhood friend Marianne’s little sister, you simply did great! “Reunion Experience” 1 minute talk by the alumni. That was what was to follow after Sheila’s cultural performance, according to the program printout. And, what did we get? Stuff like “when Mrs. Logie stood tall, a cup of tea could sit well on her behinds”; “a Chinese worker’s sexcapade with his boss’s wife to relieve himself of stress”; and “how a stolen kiss from a boy to a girl in a class in MEHS landed her with a punishment of standing up on a chair and how his indiscreet act of trying to look up her skirt from below again landed her with a double punishment” and “how an alumna tried to pull a ‘take that’ stunt on an uppity-up female foreign student by teaching her a dirty Burmese word when all that she wanted to tell her male teacher who she so admired was ‘I love you'”. It was a most enjoyable moment of “kids going wild”! Programs moved seamlessly thanks to the beautiful and articulate May Tha-Hla as MC, Marina Gaudoin and Roland Liu as Game Masters and their very fair and upright team and Bo Zaw-Win as an up to the mark professional auctioneer for the goodies that fetched a tidy sum for the MEHS Foundation. The traditional fare of MEHS School song and the Assembly Hall favorites Viva La Compagnie, The Happy Wanderer, Kookaburra, Kuckoo and Sarasponda floated the air of New York New York’s Staten Island Room. And Bingo (won by Jon Twe Maung and Betty Teoh), Pinata Competition (won by the Judson House) and Hula Hoop (won by Michael Lim and Co.) and performances, either singing or dancing, by each class – new features – were icings on the cake for the 2011 reunion. Class pictures (1947 through 1972), group picture, dancing, singing, games, jokes, and heart-to-heart chit-chat and reminiscences among classmates and schoolmates despite all manners and sizes of waistlines, hairlines and facial lines – the whole package — made the two-day event in the Casino-land a memorable experience. A memorable experience? Surely, all of our alumni must have many a memorable moment throughout their school career at MEHS. And, our wise President Emeritus Cecil Teoh broached this matter and requested all attendees, both teachers and old students and MEHS alumni the world over who could not make it to the Las Vegas reunion to write down all about their memorable experiences and send them over to me (Tommy Htay) by e-mail (km****@co*****.net) for editing and compilation with an idea of putting them out in book form for posterity. I feel honored to serve as the Project Manager, as Cecil anointed me there and then. The funny lyrics, forwarded by Sally Joseph to Lily Chen, lauding the beauty and frailities of our advancing age, rendered beautifully by our band’s ace singer to the tune of “Are You Lonesome Tonight” still lingering in my mind and silently savoring it …, I venture to think that if the 2011 MEHSA International Reunion in Las Vegas has left all of us with an indelible message this is what it is: when it comes to food (Pan Asian Pacific and Hampton Beach buffets), pure fun and admirable finesse, just leave it to the ladies and they will take us on a grand, grand ride – Viva La Compagnie! (With due apologies to Edwin Tin Tut, Cecil Wagstaff and William Chen (who kept the accounts balanced, worked on the slide presentation with May Tha-Hla (the MC), songs for juke box and other miscellaneous too many to mention) for my somewhat biased appreciation of the ladies’ efforts although, by admission of Cecil, they all “worked their butts off” as well.) |
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5th MEHSA Reunion in Las Vegas
By Myat (Phyllis) Khaing |
It’s here, it’s here, it’s here at last!!! The 5th MEHSA International Reunion is here at last! This is the much awaited, long anticipated reunion, which is held in Las Vegas, in the heart of all the bright lights and casinos. What a better way to celebrate the celebrities of dear old MEHS! We came in droves, some of us came all the way from the UK, and some from Burma, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Germany, Greece , Italy and Canada and some of us came as far away as Australia. Those of us in the United States came from all over the states such as New York, Washington, DC, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas and Arizona. Those of us from California, who are close to Las Vegas, took the road and drove for 3 – 4 hours in the Nevada desert, braving the hot burning sun of 108 degrees heat and higher, just to be with our classmates, just to be back in the time of our lives, when we are at the happiest time of all, together with our teachers, friends, class mates and admirers. We could not ask for more. Hence the crowd totaled about 137 alumni and about 60 guests. Most of us stayed at the New York New York Hotel, where the Reunion is going to be held. Most of us arrived on the 17th, just to get ready and be prepared for the 2 big days, the 18th and the 19th. As we registered at the New York, New York, you could hear screams of friends seeing friends after a long time, shouts of recognition, and peals of laughter when best friends get together and joked around while waiting in line to register. It was just like being back in high school, with guys eyeing gals, who are older now, but still very attractive, and best of all, getting acquainted together once again. I met my old friend Cleo who sat with me in my 4th standard class, and also Brian Sein Tun, who sat with me in my 2nd Standard classroom. After registration, we looked around to see what we could do for the next two days. I was very tired so I went off with my good friend Cleo and her husband to Maggiono’s. The food was cooked to perfection, so it was great, and there was musicians going around playing your requested music. Cleo asked for some Hungarian music and the musicians played three songs beautifully. After dinner, we thought we would walk around, but the Nevada heat was too much, like a blast from the boiler, so we went back to our hotel to rest for the next day. On the morning of the 18th, we all trickled down to the Staten Island room where registration was taking place. Again, we had a lovely time with friends meeting friends, and classmates who haven’t seen each other for a long time, shaking hands and talking non-stop. Lunch was supposed to be at 12:00noon, so I joined my friend Winsome and Brian to check out a few shops for souvenirs as well as find out about the numerous shows that Las Vegas has. Even in the morning time, the sun is burning hot , so after a couple of shops and a few souvenirs later, we were sweating and exhausted, so went back to our rooms to shower and prepare to go downstairs for our lunch. We were already late coming into the Staten Island room, as most people were already seated and I found some more friends, Gerald Tin Maung, Michael Lim, Peter Kyaw Tun, Zan Tha and their families. I was so happy to see my long lost friend Pamela Aung. It has been a very long time that I have seen or talked to Pamela, but as soon as we saw each other, the years fell apart and it was just like yesterday and soon we were chit chatting away just like before. The ceremony was opened by Mrs. E. Quinn and the organizers marched into the hall bearing the Flags of our Houses, Judson, Carey, Livingstone and Wesley, with the school flag carried by the President of the Alumni Association, Gloria Hengshoon (WinThein). Next we all sang the MEHS School song, lead by Gloria and Mra Tun. We also sang those popular songs such as “Viva La Compangnie”, “The Happy Wanderer,” “kookaburra,” “Kuckoo” and “Sarasponda”, songs that nobody can sing like the true alumni, as we had sung these songs day in and day out, in our morning assembly time. Then the introductions were made by Lily Chen, and with May Tha Hla performing the MC duties, the whole event started. Marina Gaudoin spoke about the MEHS Foundation, then a Tribute of Silence was paid to our dear friend Juliet Teoh, who founded and planned the first Reunion, and who had passed away, as well as those alumni who passed away. After that, recognition was paid to the Teoh family and to Kenny Teoh, our Webmaster, who has done such an excellent job of putting up the website, updating and keeping all the alumni together from all over the world. The Alumni awarded Kenny with an Amazon gift card. Then recognition was given to the teachers who attended. Teacher Daw Aye Than, Daw Khin Khin Thein, Daw Gloria Hengshoon, Dr. Robert Fuller, Mrs. Quinn, Ms. Johnson, & Mrs. Lonsdale. Lunch came and we had a lovely array of Pan Asian Pacific Buffet. Later, after lunch, we had a series of games competed by different Houses, games of Bingo, Pinata Competition and the Hula Hoop. My friend Winsome and I stole away to get some tickets for the show that afternoon. Out we went into the searing hot sun again to get our tickets for the show that night. By the time, we got our tickets and came back to the New York, New York, we are soaking in sweat and tired, so we went for a quick shower and joined the others for the afternoon tea. High Tea was offered as “Death by Chocolate,” with tons of chocolate cake and a selection of tea, coffee and an assortment of soft drinks. We stayed for a short while, then went back to our rooms to get some rest and get ready for the evening activities. Earlier during the day, Pamela Aung was so excited to see friends from our class of ’66, so we decided that we would have a private dinner with our class of ’66. We decided to go to a Chinese Restaurant called Emperor’s Garden which has spicy food, in Chinatown to chill out and chat with our friends. Michael and family, Pamela and husband, Winsome and husband, as well as Peter and Brian joined our group. We ate, laughed and talked till late into the night, then decided to go back to the hotel. But not before we had ye-ge-thoke, which I hadn’t had for a long, long, time so we were all very happy, tired and went back to our hotel, but Brian, Winsome and I to went and saw our show so onward we went to Bally’s for our show, then went back to our hotel, tired, but very happy. The next day, we had the morning and the whole afternoon free, so after breakfast, I did some last piece of shopping for souvenirs, then went off with my friends to the Hoover Dam, which is majestic and a wondrous piece of engineering work. Then we went back to New York, New York again to shower and dress up for the evening. I was very tired so rested a few minutes and thus missed the fabulous show put on by Mra Tun in his Elvis look alike costume. Later on, our alumni from DC, Bo Zaw Win, and Michael Tin Hla put on a few songs of their own, although our DJ, Ko Khin Maung Win of the “Gatuq Band” put on a fabulous show with hit songs from the oldies, which we all knew. Later on, we took pictures of the class of ’41, 51, and so on and so forth. Our class, the Class of ’66 has the highest turnout with 16 classmates altogether. Then came karaoke time and all our fabulous singers went on the stage and belted out their hearts. Then each of the classes sang a few songs of their choice. This went on for a while and later on, Sheila Patail gave us a marvelous performance of Burmese dancing, Hta-ma-thein and all. She also performed an Indian dance by herself. Sheila is such a talented person and a beautiful one as well. Then May Tha Hla said she wanted to do an auction to get some contributions to the small school that they were building in the outskirts of Rangoon. Ms. Johnson gave a Thai silk shawl for auction, and it went up from the first offering of $50 all the way to $200. Then a jade bead necklace, which was paraded around by Winsome Sein Tun, was also auctioned off and reached a sum of $125. After that jokes about the school and some other jokes about Mrs. Logie and the classmates were told and we were cracking our sides with laughter. Tommy Htay said he will collect our experiences of funny jokes or anecdotes and will put it up on the website for all to enjoy, so please send in your articles to Ko Tommy Htay. Cecil said, if there are 150 alumni, we should send in 150 jokes, so I do hope all of us can take some time to send it in. Only alumni who had experienced time and attendance at MEHS could do this. Those of us who wanted to dance went on the dance floor after that. Then some alumni wanted to do the line dance and they practiced and did it well on the dance floor. Then, much later, the lights were dimmed and alumni all got together, held hands and with the lights blazing on our hands, we all waved to each other and sang the “Auld Lang Syne.” We sang it over and over and over again, with such a sense of deep feeling and emotion and a sense of togetherness, to be together once again, back in the time of dear old MEHS, where the sense of friendship, brotherhood and that feeling of being together once more, can never be compared with anything else in life. This was the time that we felt happiest, we had our dreams and aspirations and I felt that the memories we’ll cherish deep within our hearts will never cease to fade. It was a great feeling that the event went very well, with no disturbances nor intrusions of any kind. My grateful thanks to the organizers of the 5th Reunion event and the President of the Alumni Association, Kenny, the webmaster and the performers who entertained like no other, as well as all the friends and classmates who took the time and made the effort. We will all look forward to our next Reunion in January of 2013, which will be held, back in our MEHS in Rangoon, Burma. |
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by Tommy Htay“We used to rule the airwaves, didn’t we?”, she chirped demurely, her glassy eyes dancing with glee longingly wandering deep into the past. She gave me a questioning look, her smile sweet and captivating. And, without much moving away from her focus on my impending response, with a suaveness like that of a Hollywood movie star, she sipped the coffee from a cup she held in one hand and with the other handed me another cup of coffee as if I needed to perk myself up to come up with the answer she so wanted to hear. I looked at Hazel Kyaw Zaw aka Daw Kyi Kyi May intently and slowly soaked in the dream world she had elected to be in at that moment. Her girlish charm and demeanor certainly betrayed her stature as a retired head of a premier broadcaster in Burmese, the British Broadcasting Corporation in London, United Kingdom. She was the first among the three of us to have enjoyed this exalted position. As I was toying with the cup of coffee she handed me, a tall, dark and handsome hunk of a man ambled towards us. She looked him up and, in a heartbeat, beamed a hearty smile and greeted with all alacrity: “Hi, U Soe Thin, I was gloating over our former roles in three different world-class broadcasting institutions and sharing my thoughts with U Khin Maung Htay. Just imagine, all the three of us, at one time, were heading those departments and we happen to be, wonder of wonders, products of the same school — the great MEHS!” Her boundless enthusiasm ostensibly caught U Soe Thin aka Po Soe Nyunt by surprise and he could only eke out a sheepish smile, almost a neutral response. The former head of the Burmese Service of Radio Free Asia in Washington D.C, USA, instantly tried to balance his composure by throwing a quick smile in my direction before he sipped coffee from his cup. A one-time diplomat U Soe Thin was the second alumnus of MEHS, among the three of us, to captain the ship of RFA Burmese programs. We were all at the Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand – the venue of the Third Methodist English High School Alumni International Reunion in 2008 — when this conversation took place. In the midst of old friends, classmates and schoolmates, the atmosphere was one of fun and salubriousness. I looked around and what I saw among the revelers — the once-upon-a-time school kids of the best school in the nation of our time and, perhaps, in the whole of Southeast Asia – a certain bond of lineage and pride that derived from the quality of education they had had at the Methodist English High School of Rangoon, Burma — made me understand peerlessly the girlish burst of enthusiasm from Daw Kyi Kyi May of the BBC and the sheepish smile from U Soe Thin of RFA. Between sips of coffee, I gave a fitting unspoken salute to these two stalwarts of broadcast journalism with a humbling acceptance of the obvious as someone who took their “mantle”, so to speak, as the last alumnus of MEHS to take over the helm of Burmese Service at the Voice of America. In due defiance to the hackneyed saying, I’m sure my professional partners will agree with me that “Three’s An Awesome Company” for Hazel, Po Soe and Tommy, what with all that we have amply achieved. Hail to thee, good old MEHS! | |
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MEHS Hawaii “Five Oh”

Dear Friends,
Hawaii, the 50th state of the United States is a chain of islands, seamounts (sea mountains) in the middle of the north Pacific Ocean. It is not only a popular tourist destination for its beauty, balmy good weather and friendly folks, it is truly the crossroads of the East and the West … with a vibrant native Hawaiian culture.
Embracing the best of both worlds, this “Pacific Gateway” is an ideal setting to connect, renew and reinvigorate the friendships made from childhood in and out of school, as well as those you have made at previous reunions.
MEHS is unique in that when I mention a High School Reunion, folks think it is a reunion of one graduating class. In essence we are many graduating classes, from different years, backgrounds and language groups united in our quest for learning, as school children in a diverse and dynamic world. Even after graduation, each of us carries that MEHS spirit and brightness in our lives.
There are at least 50 reasons to visit the islands which include attending the upcoming 7th International Reunion in Honolulu. Honolulu is the capital of the island of Oahu as well as of the entire state of Hawaii. Upon invitation of Lily Chen for a look see trip, I just spent nine mostly rainy days there.
The primary mission was to check on the venue and the menu with focus on keeping prices low without sacrificing quality.
Here are my impressions and photos, since pictures speak a thousand words.
Ala Moana Hotel is a world class hotel situated in Waikiki across from the beach, and connected to the main shopping mall by a land bridge from the hotel. The mall is not just for shopping, it also affords other activities such as free Hula performances to the public at Center Stage. It has a big food court, an alternative to restaurant and hotel dining. The hotel manager showed us sample rooms ranging from $145/night to a corner suite with a kitchenette and spectacular views for $265/night.
Breakfast buffet at the hotel’s Plantation Café is a set price, $16.85. [15% off for 55 years and up]. Cost of hotel parking is $20.00/day.
Visitors to the hotel lobby are greeted by an outrigger boat and a beautiful display of blooming orchids in a profusion of colors. Besides the reception area, the main floor has a tour desk, shops, a business center and the Rumours Night Club.
Hotel guests seen in the lobby include those from the airline industry. Nowadays, with the vagaries of travel, no one needs to experience a paradise turning into hell. So, it is comforting to know that their clientele includes this industry where predictability and consistency of service are critical to the performance of their jobs.
Given its location, quality and the size of rooms, this hotel is an excellent value for the price.
When booking, please check out the website for all the particulars you are seeking in your room, i.e., size, price, view, etc.
Lanikuhonua Cultural Institute
On an exceptionally sunny day, we visited Lanikuhonua Cultural Institute, the venue for the Reunion in Ko’ Olina which means a “Place of Joy.” It is a distance from Honolulu proper and is a resort area. Nearby are: Paradise Cove where Luaus are staged regularly for visitors, a Disney Resort and a Marriott Resort. There is also a golf course with condos close by.
Lanikuhonua or in Hawaiian, “Where Heaven Meets the Earth,” is a beautiful spot. A cultural site, it is popular for holding weddings and private corporate functions. It has a lovely view of a distant mountain, has a small sandy beach and a tide-pool with calm waters…but is not set up for beach combing.
The grounds have many trees, flowers and foliage that you will remember from our childhood. There is a special area sacred to the native Hawaiians for performing ceremonies. We are honored to be allowed access to this site.
The Menu: Pacific Gateway Center
We are fortunate to have the Pacific Gateway Center cater food at this Reunion. Why so and what is the connection with MEHS? Burmese soul food as I call it is made from hard to find vegetables, ingredients and flavors we have loved since childhood. These flavors will make their appearance at the Reunion, thanks to the innovative pioneering efforts of the Executive Director of the non-profit Pacific Gateway Center. Dr. Tin Myaing Thein (Faith Tin), an MEHS alumna herself.
Pacific Gateway Center through innovation and creativity empowers immigrants and refugees, most of them survivors of human trafficking, to become self-sufficient and economically independent. Most of them are Burmese and Thai farmers. They are transforming the rich volcanic soil into land producing chin baung and other Asian vegetables. This has transformed Honolulu’s culinary scene.
This organization provides comprehensive integrated assistance from language help and affordable housing to catering start-up companies.
What is a Reunion but a reaffirmation of ourselves as students, our youth, our enduring friendships…to honor our principal, our teachers, our parents and each other… to give thanks to the blessings of the quality education we received and coming together just to have FUN!
Cleo Kyin Oo Appleton
MEHS 7th International Reunion 2014
Posted: 3/2/2014
All creatures great and small
We herald into this world with our parents desiring the very best for us. As such, I was enrolled way back in 1956 into Middle Kindergarten of M.E.H.S. Bid did I farewell to 5B to accompany my mother’s Foreign Office posting in London. Looking back after more than half a century, those were my best formative years where I secured a solid foothold in life. My mother believed in offering the best fundamentals in education, and that time M.E.H.S. was the finest and second to none educational establishment in then, Burma.
M.E.H.S. was the only school where their sibling male and or females, can be educated together under a single roof, offering stellar knowledge the country could offer. The records spoke for themselves. No argument on that.
I was grouped together with the class of 1966, where all journeyed on to greener pastures doing their own things. All became creatures great and small in their own right. In the shipping industry where I served for more than forty years, for example, we noticed people like Donald MacIntosh (Khin Maung), Michael Yaw Hlaing (Tin Bo Hlaing), Edwin Tut (Aye Tut) Ship’s Masters, Steven Yone Mo (Than Moe) Radio and Supply Officer, Victor Lin Bin Fitter, Richard Pyo Nyein (Maung Maung Nyein), Gerry Win Pe (Win Pe) Managing Directors and myself Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant) reaching the post of Deputy General Manager of Operations, all in our national line of Burma (Myanma) Five Star Line. In the Myanma Port Authority, Cho Than Maung became its Managing Director. While some may be gone, but we are still here ensuring the lamp still burns bright. All are alumni of M.E.H.S. There must be many more where our paths did not cross.
Friends told me that they could tell which school we attended, just by listening at the way we spoke. Something similar of an English stiff upper lip, if you like. They may say what they wish and possibly might be some truth in it too. After all, we attended M.E.H.S. and were in a class of our own high above the rest. A very rare breed indeed.
Proud to be a M.E.H.S. alumni.
Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant)
Posted: 7/20/2014