Our Teachers


Many of you have inquired about our M.E.H.S. Teachers. Here are some information on some of our beloved teachers. Please feel free to share your thoughts, memories, or comments about them. If you know of other teachers, please drop us a line.

Doreen A LogieMrs. Hilda AntramRachel ChanDaw Aye ThanMrs. Jeanne BattleDaw Tint Cho
Mrs. Constance MeddMrs. Muriel Olive de SantosMrs. Violet EdwinsonMrs. Elsie EvansMrs. Enid FlynnDaw May
Daw Julie FressangesDr. Robert FullerMrs. Lily Hein TinMrs. Agnes HoMrs. Rita Lonsdale (nee Johnson)Daw Khin Win May
Mrs. Elsie Khin AungMrs. Betty KongDaw Khin Sein YinDaw Kyin KyinMrs. Augusta McLeanDaw Mya Mya
Daw Khin KhinMrs. Dalia Myat SanMrs. Phyllis NottMrs. Elaine QuinnDaw Tin Tin SeinMr. George Teoh
Mrs. Cissy Tun KhinMrs. Martha WasonMrs. May RogersDaw Yin HlaDaw Khin Khin TheinMrs. Turner
Dr. R. LintonMavis Edwards