Blogs MEHS Notalgia Posts Reflections

An Ode in Appreciation of Our Dear Ole ‘M.E.H.S. by Cecil Wagstaff

An  Ode in Appreciation of Our Dear Ole ‘ M.E.H.S.

A Debt We students can n’er Repay


Methodist English High School

Yes, Indeed, we are “Proud of Thee”

If it was not for M.E.H.S., where would any of us be?


A Rhetorical Question, perhaps?

Yes, Us Blokes, Guys, Gals, Ladies & Chaps

Would NOT be where we are, 

WE would NOT have gone very far 

So only thanks to the Education we received

From our many Teachers who with and their help, achieve 

And  we could make something of ourselves

Pursuing our Youthful Ambitions on then on to Better things on shelves

To grasp these and 

With our Teachers’ Guidance & Help

Achieve Great Lives for Ourselves

In The Wide Tough Challenging World of the Future

Yes only our teachers could nurture

Helping US – To Conquer 

The Problems & Difficulties we would one day have to face

A Herculean Task – like Olympians in Races

Discus Throwers or Rowers 

And win, with a Grin on our faces


Not Just A Champion amongst Schools – rather,  The very BEST

MEHS Notalgia Posts Reflections Teachers Uncategorized

Let the Lamp Keep Burning by Selwyn Saw Win

Let the Lamp Keep Burning is a reprint from the booklet Fond Memories.

Blogs Notalgia Posts Reflections

Reflections Of Our Lives by Edwin Aye Tut


by Edwin Aye Tut

I came upon an article on the 2nd. page (attached) in “Myanmar Times” September 5-11, 2005 “Thinking Aloud” and find myself looking into the eyes of the person in the photograph and I said to myself.. This guy looks familiar.

I read the interview and thinking aloud “where did he study?” There are some missing links in the interview.. probably for limited space. A great CV, a great resume!! Then I read on….

“How do you like to relax?” “…..spending time with my little daughter” Yes, then I remember, the young pretty girl’s name.. “Thet Hta Thet”, quite a name. Hard to name, the father once said. Back then, when she was a twinkle in his eyes, I recall our younger days… how many years??…. Many many years ago..

Attached details give you a great person. There are many great persons from MEHSA (Sorry, must be limited space so his study features started from College graduation ) The Final question asked by the interviewer was.. “What is your favourite motto” And he concluded “Everything and anything is possible in life”

Thinking aloud I whispered, heard this line before, who said that before? Thinking aloud.., Got it!! Professor Aung Tun Thet is none other than Allan Pe Thet, Class of 1961.


Blogs Notalgia Posts Reflections

Reflections To Our Days at M.E.H.S. by Harry Taw, Cecil Wagstaff and Edwin Tin Tut

Reflections to our days at M.E.H.S.

by Harry Taw, Cecil Wagstaff and Edwin Tin Tut
Our MEHS motto said, “Not for school but for life do we learn” and in truth, all through our school days we learnt not only our lessons, but under the stern eyes of our loving teachers we gathered the spiritual weapons of integrity, social behaviour, an awareness of civics and strength of character: weapons we would use all our lives and pass on to our children and grandchildren.

When we entered the real-world life as adults, through these lessons of the heart taught by our teachers we were able to face adversaries and hardships. We struggled ahead with our spirits intact and strong.

Modesty aside, you will agree that the majority of us, however badly we had behaved in school, have become successful members of our communities and of the modern world. Within our country expatriates often said that “You see anyone who is successful, smart and sophisticated and it always turns out to be someone from that school”… meaning, of course, dear old MEHS.

Our MEHS’ motto was: “Not for school,for life do we learn”. We learned together, played together, competed against each other on sport fields and courts, as individuals and in teams… but again – together. But from college onward… we started to meet more new friends, many fell in love and married them, and many also married schoolmates from “OUR MEHS”.

We learnt Life’s Values from OUR MEHS, one of these being that the bonds and friendships first made at school, can last a lifetime. If we have done this and keep it in our hearts and minds, continuously then we honour OUR MEHS.

The MEHS motto says, “Not for school…” very modestly…

We should now think OUR MEHS too… NOW! We made it! Thanks to OUR MEHS, to Our Beloved Principal and Teachers and all MEHS Staff. The School will welcome us when we do something “for the school”… Carry on the good work started by OUR MEHS -Education perhaps by helping someone who does, and not have, the opportunity we all had, without our help.

So let us give back something to our school as a gesture of thanks for our principal, teachers and staff, as well as in memory of our friends who had been called by God, and also as a symbol of the love and friendship we share and will continue to share our whole lives. Let our friendship and solidarity allow a lamp to be lit for the younger generations who might not have the blessings we enjoy.

Remember the joy we had in our school days without worries of any kind and let us pass on that same precious gift to worthy students.

Please consider…… and, ‘watch this space’ for some of our “Ideas”…Contributing any Ideas you may have, please.

Let’s join hands!

Your Friends,

Harry Taw, Cecil Wagstaff and Edwin Tin Tut


Notalgia Posts Reflections

All Creatures Great and Small by Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant)

All creatures great and small

We herald into this world with our parents desiring the very best for us. As such, I was enrolled way back in 1956 into Middle Kindergarten of M.E.H.S. Bid did I farewell to 5B to accompany my mother’s Foreign Office posting in London. Looking back after more than half a century, those were my best formative years where I secured a solid foothold in life. My mother believed in offering the best fundamentals in education, and that time M.E.H.S. was the finest and second to none educational establishment in then, Burma.

M.E.H.S. was the only school where their sibling male and or females, can be educated together under a single roof, offering stellar knowledge the country could offer. The records spoke for themselves. No argument on that.

I was grouped together with the class of 1966, where all journeyed on to greener pastures doing their own things. All became creatures great and small in their own right. In the shipping industry where I served for more than forty years, for example, we noticed people like Donald MacIntosh (Khin Maung), Michael Yaw Hlaing (Tin Bo Hlaing), Edwin Tut (Aye Tut) Ship’s Masters, Steven Yone Mo (Than Moe) Radio and Supply Officer, Victor Lin Bin Fitter, Richard Pyo Nyein (Maung Maung Nyein), Gerry Win Pe (Win Pe) Managing Directors and myself Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant) reaching the post of Deputy General Manager of Operations, all in our national line of Burma (Myanma) Five Star Line. In the Myanma Port Authority, Cho Than Maung became its Managing Director. While some may be gone, but we are still here ensuring the lamp still burns bright. All are alumni of M.E.H.S. There must be many more where our paths did not cross.

Friends told me that they could tell which school we attended, just by listening at the way we spoke. Something similar of an English stiff upper lip, if you like. They may say what they wish and possibly might be some truth in it too. After all, we attended M.E.H.S. and were in a class of our own high above the rest. A very rare breed indeed.

Proud to be a M.E.H.S. alumni.


Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant)

Posted: 7/20/2014

Blogs Posts Reflections Teachers

My Heartfelt Appreciation for Our Teachers by Cecil L.W. Wagstaff

Now you know why I proudly, but humbly state, that MEHS, its Teachers & Staff, shaped and moulded my Life, and helped and guided me into my Future as an adult

My Late Mum for loving me and giving me her Love of Travel
Mrs. Doreen.A.Logie: For accepting me as a Student at MEHS.
Mrs. Elsie A. Evans: For Her mentoring, and instilling in me a Love of Literature & Poetry, also including encouraging me to Follow My Dreams
Daw Lily Hein Tin: To see and appreciate Our Wonderful World, and e.n.j.o.y. its awesome Natural wonders
Daw Dahlia Myat San: For instilling in me an appreciation of the World of Mathematics
Mr. N. Craen: For instilling in me an appreciation of the World of Mathematics, and instilling in me the fact that to be Honest is always the best and highest degree to hold
Mrs. May Rogers: For forgiving me for NOT taking up History and telling me that one Day I would appreciate its True Value. Her Quote: You cannot know where you are going if you do not know where you came from? true and I really only understood what this meant when I was Project Director for the many WW1 & WW2 Pilgrimages to many Theatres of War.
Miss Rita Johnson (now Mrs. Lonsdale) for her warm and engaging Science lessons, which taught us so much…..and with whom I am still in contact
Dr. Ms. Rhoda Linton: For instilling in me a love of Theatre and Acting
Mrs. Constance Medd: For teaching me French, which ultimately got me my job in Air France,?.and also giving me the opportunity to actually t.e.a.c.h. French, albeit for three months only, at M.E.H.S., when Mr. Bachoe took ill, thereby welcoming this Reprobate into the Respected Ranks of an M.E.H.S. Teacher
Nurse Daw Julie: For literally,?. and NOT just figuratively, saving me Life after a Softball Accident?..if she had not I would not be writing this
Dr. Mr. Robert Fuller: For teaching me German, which ultimately got me my job in Lufthansa German Airlines.
Mr. Kan Goon: For instilling in me, a Lifelong Love of Sport
……… and all my other MEHS Teachers …… too numerous to mention ……… FOR EVERYTHING ……… THANK YOU.
May God Bless You All
Now you will know and understand how T.r.u.l.y. Grateful I am to our Dear Ole MEHS. Where would I have been without this?

Cecil L.W. Wagstaff
G.C.E. Class of 1961/2

Blogs Posts Reflections

Those Vintage Years by Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant)

I live in the northern part of Yangon in an area under the name of Parami; It is a reasonably well to do district, however not in the same league as Golden Valley or Inya Road. Being in my golden years, every few months, it entails me to drive to downtown and draw my pension at Commercial Bank no.3, situated on the top of Sule Pagoda Road near the Port area. The drive used to be under half an hour from my house, however regretfully, with the high or more correctly ultra extensive congestion, making it in about an hour must fall in the category of ‘lucky’. To be fair, the drive downtown has always been reasonably congested as far as I can recall. However, today it is even worst: heavy build up of vehicles commencing from the old War Office for about half a mile in the direction of downtown. Should the four wheelers be moving or trying to crawl, I could reluctantly forgive and understand; Much to my dismay, cars are unceremoniously parked not only on both side of the road, but worst they are stationed at times three abreast starting from the old ENT Hospital (Eyes, Nose and Throat) or the once renowned The American Hospital, right up to the President Cinema: while a single file of cars sat idly by on the opposite side also. Traffic snails to a single or where possible maximum double files, but only in a few places with the poor traffic policemen sweating it out, trying to direct the onslaught of traffic come rain or shine in vain. This uncontrollable mayhem of vehicles is due to the Basic Education High School no.1 Dagon Township, BEHS no.1 Dagon for short, being situated on the one-way Southbound Sule Pagoda Road; there, the hurdle and bubble of picking up and sending of pupils and students to the school on time congregate: at times their portable meals, lunches or dinners on laptops, galore. This school today is arguably the best educational establishment for children from Kindergarten up to the Matriculation standards in Yangon (Rangoon): thus the rush by parents to ensure their siblings secure a sound foundation and jump the threshold of Matriculation Examination with flying colours, to make the grade for entry to the top universities in the country. This is of course in keeping with the old tradition of the previous school management, which they religiously followed. The BEHS no.1 (Dagon) was born on 14th April, 1965 when it was nationalized by then, New Burmese Government. Prior that, it was known as the Methodist English High School (MEHS) and the Principal was Mrs. Logie, who nurtured all her charge to be well groomed educational wise and no need bother to enquire which school stood first in the country. It’s students securing the prestigious first position in Burma (Myanmar) in the fearlessly contested yearly Matriculation Examination, and the pass rates were second to none also for General Certificate of Education ‘O Level’ set by the University of London: Some years we did stood second, but a rarity to be sure. Since those bygone-era our school was a beacon of stellar education, gestetnering top nosh students in Burma (Myanmar) who also turned out to be a member of a very selective well-refined brigade, a cut above the rest, one might say. Most of its alumni holding positions of prominence in business and Governmental bureaucracies: also doing well for those who are abroad too, believe it or not, till this very day, of which I am rather proud to admit. Our MEHS had excellent well-qualified teachers, they were renowned for being well versed in respective subjects they taught and be able to put across the educational message to their pupils and students in classes: The teachers and the prefects were fine tooth combed selected and high degree of discipline ruled over the school, maintaining motivation, discipline, calm and order. Even till this very day, should one enquire which school we attended, the mention of MEHS was worth its weight in gold: no doubt about that. The school excelled not only in educational results but also in sports such as football and basketball plus the parents and teachers dialogs were complimentary to the hilt. We also had a small medical clinic run by a very professional doctor and a well trained and kind nurse; however, there were a few ‘over ripened apples’ and I was regretfully one, a few of the times only mind you: this will become abundantly clear at the end of this article. There are numerous entries into town, but as the distance, petrol consumption and time would roughly be the same or a wee bit more, thus no alternative but to take the well-trodden route and satisfy my reminiscences at the same time. When I was younger during those vintage years, the Sule Pagoda Road was known as Alanpya Payar Road and it was two-way: our school stood herald, mighty and proud, as it is up till this very day. Each time I passes-by, I cannot but steal a glance and admire our old MEHS building; still holding its granular prominence, dominance, charm and attraction. The Methodist English Church is still there on the left of the school building and according to my best friend Peter Mo Kyaw, who with his brother Marcus also attended the same school, though a few years junior to me: believe the old parsonage is still standing there between the school and the church, which their family attended way back since sixty years ago. I can still see the tennis courts in front, as it is nearest to the road. The gymnasium, (cum) sheltered playground is still standing tall annexed to the main building on the right, entry by way of Sandwich Road (Nawaday Road) and understand the football pitch behind the school is still very solid there. I also do recall the old Indian Bayar Kyaw (fried chick peas fritters) peddler by the platform, selling his wares sitting in front of the tennis courts railings come rain or shine, with his make-shift small stove, frying pan, cut fresh green onions and chilies with small pieces of lime, which we were forbidden to buy and consume by the school, being a health hazard. My pocket money was too minimal to indulge in such culinary pleasures after school, while waiting for my ride back home in the afternoons. To let you into my little secret, I did support the old Indian man once in a blue moon when I could spare a few pyas. Not too often though. Mervyn Shwe Tha (Myo Thant) Posted: 3/7/2015